Part 13 Surprise!

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"In a morbid condition of the brain, dreams often have a singular actuality, vividness, and extraordinary semblance of reality."

― Fyodor Dostoyevsky

"Are you sure you're ok?" I ask as we pay for our things.

"I'm fine honestly y/n, stop worrying so much." Shuji laughs.

"Ok, but just tell me if you need anything."

"Yeah yeah," Shuji says as we walk out of the store and back towards his motorbike. "What do you wanna do next?"

"Hmmm I don't know. You?" 

"Do you wanna drive around town, do some stupid stuff and then hang out at home?" Shuji suggests.

"I mean, sure... as long as you obey the speed limit." I laugh.

*Sigh* "Fine i guess, but in exchange can I pick where we go today?" Shuji asks.

"I didn't have much in mind, so sure!" I smile.

"Sick, now come on." Shuji motions to the bike and I hop on with him.

Shuji starts the bike and drives out of the parking lot.

"Wait where are we going?" I ask.

"Dont worry doll, I've got it all planned out." Shuji smiles.

We drive just the speed limit across town until we are driving along the ocean, the cool air is refreshing and the scenery is wonderful. The grey sky and fluffy clouds cut off by the blue ocean and its waves create a type of wonderfully melancholy feeling.

The bike comes to a stop at the pier and Shuji offers his hand to help me off.

"Sheesh, this is the last place I would have expected you to take me." I joke.

"Im full of surprises for you dear." Shuji says.

We walk along the pier admiring the ocean and the contrasting stores with their bright colourful lights. Then we stop in front of a tattoo shop.

"You said you were up for something stupid, let's get tattoos." Shuji offers.

Dang, I've always wanted a tattoo, but what would my mom think? Would they even let us? I mean I think it's illegal to get tattoos without parental consent when you are under 18...

Shuji drags me into the store and I follow him ignoring my conscience.

"I was thinking we could get matching ones." He says.

"Damn that's cringy as hell, let's do it." I smile, entranced by his excitement.

After we tell them that we have no idea what the fuck we want, the artist hands us a book, and we brose the selection.

"These are so cool." I say.

"Yeah, totally, but nothing is catching my eye..." Shuji hums.

"What about this one? They use your fingerprints as a tattoo heart. Oh my god isn't that adorable!" I say.

Shuji frowns, "It's alright i guess."

"Hahaha you can say you don't like Shuji." I laugh.

"Yeah sorry, it's not for me." He admits.

I kiss his cheek, "See that wasn't so hard."

Shuji's eyes stop on one photo in the book and points out what he is looking at,

"Stars, we should get stars."

"Wow, totally, those are so nice."

"Then whenever you look up at the stars you will have to think about me."

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