Part 17: End

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"The whole question here is: am I a monster, or a victim myself?"

― Fyodor Dostoyevsky,

After a long while of apologies and solemn faces Kisaki's family car rolls up, he's in the driver's seat and his mom, who looks annoyed, is in the passenger. Shuji stands up quickly offering me a hand, Leaf stands as well.

"Hey, anyone follow you guys?" Kisaki asks after rolling down the window.

"Nah, I think we are good." Shuji says leaning on the window, "Hey Ms. Kisaki, long time no see."

She rolls her eyes "Not long enough."

Shuji lets out a laugh and opens the door of the car for me and Leaf to get in. I'm squished between the two of them in the backseat. I study Kisaki's mom's face, she is surprisingly young, her hair is bleach blond with dead ends and she carries a nonchalant attitude quite like her son.

"Are you gonna introduce yourself or are you just gonna keep staring?" She suddenly asks "I missed a good evening for this."

I sit up straighter, "Y/n, L/n."

She tilts her head looking at me in the rearview mirror. "L/n hm?" She repeats "I knew your dad." She rests her feet on the dashboard as Kisaki drives, an irritated expression on his face.

"Awhh you're so kind to y/n Ms. Kisaki, why can't you treat your son's best friend the same way?" Shuji pouts dramatically.

"You're not my best friend Hanma." Kisaki states blankly.

"I'm your only friend, that makes me the best by elimination."

Kiaski's mom lets out a laugh, it's intoxicatingly pretty. "Be nice Tetta." She grins "Give it up Hanma, you are way too young for me."

He giggles "I got all I need right here anyway." He wraps an arm around my shoulder.

Leaf makes a puking noise and Kisaki laughs. It's a weird sound.

"Anyway." Kisaki states as he makes a turn "What happened?"

Shuji and Leaf tense up. Kisaki looks at them through the rear view mirror.

"Y/n sounded very confused on the phone. Did you guys tell them anything? At all?" Kisaki asks.

My friends stay quiet.

"Ooooo drama..." Ms. Kiaski giggles.

Kisaki lets out an exasperated sigh. "I really have to do everything, don't I?"

"I was trying to find the right time." Leaf defends themself.

"You were sulking." Kisaki jabs.

Kisaki's mom mutters something along the lines of 'burn'.

"That's not fair, Kisaki.." Shuji starts.

"No, I think it is, if anything you should have been the one to tell them, you are with them 24/7 anyway."

"Tell me what?!" I finally burst out.

Leaf bites their lip.

"Hanma got himself on a gang's wanted list." Kisaki mutters annoyed, "as if he wasn't a pain in the ass before."

I tilt my head "What do you mean?"

"He fucked around and found out." Kisaki's mom giggles.

"Shuji made some who knew someone mad and now he's got a whole gang on his ass." Leaf sighs "I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner."

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