Part 6: Oh Dang!

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"And the more I drink the more I feel it. That's why I drink too. I try to find sympathy and feeling in drink.... I drink so that I may suffer twice as much!"

- Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment

TW: abuse, parental trauma, yelling, insults, body shaming, school trauma, angst

-At the theatre-

We couldn't get Kazutora on board with the idea, so we decided to stuff our school bags with candy, and hope that the employees don't get paid enough to care.

"Four tickets please." I ask the person at the till.

"What movie?" they ask idly.

"BATMANNNN!!!" Leaf yells excitedly.

"Sorry about them, they have zero self control." I sigh, taking out my wallet. "But yes, we want to see Batman."

Hanma suddenly buds in front of me and hands the cashier a wad of bills.

"You don't have to pay" He squeezes my arm while the employe sorts out the money

"Thank you, enjoy the film." They say dully as they hand Hanma his change.

Then with that, our mission is successful and we are in. We sit down in a middle row and open our bags.

"Woah you guys went all out." Hanma gasps looking at Kazutora's overflowing bag.

"Yeah!!! Why not?" Kazutora laughs.

"True true." Hanma laughs.

"Me and Hanma could have got more, if someone had a school bag." I annoy him.

"It's not my fault! I just don't have much homework so I don't see the point." Hanma retorts.

Kazu laughs, "Hah! Yeah homework, it's not like you do schoolwork to begin with."


"Oh look! The movie is starting!" Hanma bursts out.


I can't focus on this film, I'm too preoccupied by Kazu's statement. Is Hanma really skipping school? If he is, he can't graduate, and if he doesn't graduate he won't be able to get a job, and then we won't be able to afford a house...

Shit. I'm thinking of a future with Hanma... I want a future together with... Hanma.. Shuji Hanma?? Mx. and Mr. Hanma, I reach up and cover my burning face with my hands. What am I thinking?!??!

"Something up?" Hanma leans over and asks quietly.

"Yeah, I- uhm, well this is a really scary part!" I lie quickly.

"Awhh you poor thing come here." Hanma laughs quietly.

Then he slowly puts his hand around my shoulders and lets me lean on him.

"There is nothing to fear, I've got you." He whispers in my ear.

I smile and hum in agreement, refocusing my attention on the film.

When we left the theatre it was already dark out. While we were walking I worked up the courage to ask Hanma about school.



"You're not attending school are you." I stop walking.

"No." He stops also, avoiding eye contact.

"Why not?"

"It's too hard, and teachers are a bunch of unhelpful shits."

"Oh.. how long have you been skipping."

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