Part 15: Carnival

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"Trifles, trifles are what matter! Why, it's just such trifles that always ruin everything... ."

― Fyodor Dostoyevsky,

A few days later, at the carnival:

We got off the bus and walked towards the entrance.

"Tickets please." A man asked us while holding out his hand.

"Here you go." Shuji handed him three tickets labelled, full day entry to glove world.

"Kay your good, welcome to glove world." He says dully and lets the three of us in.

Carnival music, screams of people on rides and the smell of overpriced food overwhelm our senses.

"So what ride do you guys wanna go on first?" I ask.

Leaf shrugs and Shuji looks around and spots the fiery fist of pain. His eyes light up.

"Always looking for that adrenaline rush aren't you." I smile while taking his hand.

"Fuck yeah." He grins a toothy smile

I laugh and also take Leaf's arm and they flitch slightly. Shuji pulls us along and we run towards the ride, our feet slapping against the concrete.

"Woah this looks scary as fuckkkkkk." Shuji says excited.

"Totally," I glup.

"I don't know if I'm up for this one.." Leaf says.

"You sure?" I turn and ask them.

"Yeah." They say.

"Come on y/n let's stop wasting time!" Shuji takes my hand and pulls me in line.

I wave to Leaf "Buy some food while I take Shuji on this ride! I'll pay you back when we get off!"

Leaf quietly nods and walks away. Shuji is practically glued to me.

"Shit I can't wait!" He says excitedly.

"No way." I say sarcastically. Feeling his arm tightening around my waist.

"And then after this we can eat and the go on that ride and then-"

"Hey Shu? Do you think Leaf is ok? Should we really be leaving them alone?" I ask suddenly.

The crowded line up buzzes around us. the feeling of the summer sun on our shoulders. The overwhelming scent of mini donuts. It is all dulled by a small heart wrenching sense of dread.

"Why would you say that?" He asks oblivious.

"I don't know." I say nervously.

"I'm sure they are fine, I'm sure they'd tell us if something is up.." He reassures me, squeezing my arm slightly as we get closer to the roller coaster.

I kiss him. "Thanks Shuji, you're right."

He blushes "Damn you're so cute.."

'Next in line please!' The worker interrupts.

We walk up and the worker helps us into the cart. I notice my hands shaking, I don't know if it's because of the ride or-

"Hands and feet in the ride at all times!"

I nervously sit beside Shuji as the ride starts up. He can't stay still as he is way too excited. He starts to laugh excitedly and then we are off. Shuji immediately throws his hands up yelling and smiling. I scream and sway with the ride. He laughs like a maniac.

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