Part 12 That's No Occupation for a Gentleman

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"You're a gentleman," they used to say to him. "You shouldn't have gone murdering people with a hatchet; that's no occupation for a gentleman."

― Fyodor Dostoyevsky,  

Shit that was so inconsiderate of me. I think to myself while sitting down at the island beside Shuji.

"So I was thinking, there is this new gas station that opened downtown, and they are having a two for one sale on some of their stuff, do you wanna do that today?" Shuji asks.

"Really? Sick, yeah, I don't mind that. Gives us time to scope out the rides we want to go to tomorrow online."

"Nice, now get dressed little one, I'm gonna give you a ride on my motorbike there." Shuji smiles.

"Dang it, I knew there was a catch."

"What's so bad about going on a ride with your favourite boyfriend?"

"It's the cheetah print dude, plus, are you implying I have more than one date?" I laugh.

"If you do, they are gonna get the beating of a lifetime."

"Ha ha. I didn't think I could pull one person let alone two so don't worry Shuji."

"I wouldn't say that doll. You could have any bitch you wanted." He says looking me up and down.

"Oh really?" I laugh and head down to my room to get dressed. "I'm loving the flirting Mr. Shuji."

"You better nerd."

I close the door and get ready, a casual outfit, a tee and a sweater, along with a thick ass coat for the ride. I swear thrifted jackets are built differently, but you know, I wouldn't mind having one of Shuji's...

There's a knock on the door.

"You really can't stand a moment without me can you dude." I laugh.

"You are taking damn years again sweet pea, need help?" He says from behind the door.

"A perfect outfit takes time, not that you would know that."

"Ah my heart." Shuji rests his hand on the door. "Can I come in?"

My heart jumps to my throat. "...Yes."

The handle turns and he enters; shutting the door behind himself. Then he walks over and rests his hand on my shoulder.

"You are right, you look stunning." Then he takes his hand off my shoulder and sits on the bed. "I loved sleeping next to you."

I roll my eyes and stand up. "So are we gonna go?"

"Come here." He motions.

I comply and stand in front of him. "What's up?"

He takes me by the waist and pulls me in to kiss him.

"I told you," He whispers while kissing me breathlessly, "That we needed to do this more often."

I smile and kiss him back. "You are such a simp."

"I love you, what can I say?" He breaks the kiss and looks at me. "..And you know, this time we don't have to worry about people watching.."

I smirk, "I still wanna have time to go out today Shuji."

"Awhhhhh you are so formal." Shuji groans. "And, I don't know if I'm even gonna be able to walk if I can't get-" He taps his fingers on my neck as he counts, "One, two, ten.. More kisses."

"Ok, you know I'm gonna stop you if you take it too far though."

"Yeah, yeah." Shuji laughs.

He suddenly takes me and picks me up, setting me down on his lap so I'm sitting facing him.

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