Part 5: Pink + Blue = Purple

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"...everyone needs a somewhere, a place he can go. "

― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment

We kissed until we lost track of time. The pink from his drink, and blue from mine staining our tongues purple. Then he walked me back, arriving at 8:30.
My mother wasn't happy with our 30 minutes lateness, but I wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I exchanged goodbyes with Hanma and once he left my mom sat me down on the couch.
"Y/n," she sighs. "I know you love him, but dear, he is bad news."
"I know," I whisper as I walk to my room to go to bed.
After a long sleep I awoke and stood up from bed to go to the living room. Mom had already left for work so I called Leaf's number to get cosy for a long talk. I wait for them to pick up for a few seconds and hear a different voice than I was expecting over the phone.
"Hello?" Kazutora answers.
"Why do you have Leaf's phone?" I ask, confused.
"I don't know, I'm at their place and they left for a bit so I'm finding things to take back with me."
"Ok..? Do they know you're taking them?" I chuckle.
"It's nothing they wouldn't miss!" He defends himself as a door opens.
"Kazutora! Who are you calling?!?" I could hear Leaf snatching the phone from him.
"Hello! Sorry about that. I swear I leave for one second and Kazu has gotten up to zero good." They sigh dramatically, as if they were a babysitter.
"Why is Kazutora at your place anyway?" I ask.
"Don't know. I was bored, he was bored so we decided to be bored together."
"Huh, I didn't know you two had become such good friends."
"Yeah I guess. Anyway, aside from that, why'd you end up calling?" They ask.
"I don't know, you should just go back to hanging out with Kazutora." I sigh.
"No! He was just leaving!" I could hear them pushing him out the door.
I chuckle.
"Ok, ok tell me." They insist
"You didn't have to kick Kazutora out." I laugh.
"Oh he didn't mind, I let him take a tiger plush he was eyeing."
"Sooooooo, you should tell me now." They wine.
"Me and Hanma, I guess, it's lame or whatever but, we had our first kiss." I say.
I hold the phone slightly away to avoid ear damage.
"Yeah, I guess you were right." I say quietly.
"Why so glum? You just secured yourself a Hanma!" They try to encourage me.
"I don't know, something is up, I feel like he is hiding something from me. I'm nervous." I confess.
"Ahhh, forget about that y/n, I'm sure you're just nervous." They reassure me.
"K, You sure?" I ask.
"I'll be by your side no matter what."
They avoided the answer.
During the week Hanma texted me.
[bench guy]: do you wanna catch a movie Friday night? I heard Batman Begins is showing.
[me]: oh really! I'd love to, can't wait!
I thought about our plans all week. On Friday, we will see our first movie together. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday morning went slower than ever before, but then came the afternoon when we were all let out of class. I walk to my locker with Leaf.
"I can't wait to see the movie!!! Me and Kazu are gonna sneak food in by stuffing them in his chest, he doesn't know that part yet." Leaf laughs their ass off.
"You and Kazu are coming too? Hanma didn't tell me."
"Oh, sorry man, I should have told you earlier," they pause and then add, " ~Me and Kazu can give you space if you want~" while nudging my shoulder.
"Oh shut up." I laugh.
"Hey guys! Where are you headed?" A student asks while putting their arm around my shoulder.
That makes me uncomfortable but I choose to ignore it.
"The movies.".
Leaf nods.
"Oh sick! Could I join? I could sit by you y/n! I've been wanting to get to know you better lately, you know?" They continue to pester.
"Well I don't know.." I trail off.
"Come on!"
"Hey, stop it, they said no." Leaf says sternly.
"They didn't specifically say that! Right? Hey! I even got your pronouns right!! Not many people care that much, but I want you to know, I care." They explain stupidly leaning in.
I move my head away awkwardly. Then a tattooed hand grabs theirs and throws it off my shoulder.
"HEY! WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM!!" My classmate retorts, rubbing their arm.
Shuji laughs mockingly and turns my head toward himself. "Long time no see."
He moves his hand up along my neck and to my jaw pulling me closer into a kiss. A feeling like electricity goes through my body as he continues to kiss me aggressively, that show off.
Leaf and the student just stood there awkwardly until Hanma finally stopped.
"Get the fuck away from them," Hanma threatens, the student just stands dumbfounded "NOW!"
The student gasps and grabs their stuff running away.
I shake my head and look up at him astonished, "Nice to see you too."
"Let's go! We can stop and pick up Kazu and then raid the snack store!" Leaf charges ahead.
"Snacks! Snacks! Snacks!" Hanma and Leaf chant while walking off school grounds.
The two of them continue to walk and talk as I try to understand what just happened. When we got to where Kazu was meeting us, Leaf immediately spots him and we continue our noble journey to the snack store. We triumphantly approach the building and go inside. Kazu and Leaf speed off into the store grabbing everything they want. Me and Hanma walk up and down the aisles picking up stuff at our own pace and calculating how many of our precious dollars we were going to have to spend.
"Do you like gay bacon?" I ask
"Gay bacon?" Hanma laughs looking at the rainbow belts. "Yeah sure."
Hanma proceeds to put them in the cart and casually reaches out to hold my hand. I look up and then he gives me a short kiss. Hanma never struck me as this kinda guy.
We finish shopping and approach the till. Leaf and Kazu were just ahead of us, and I think their full price may have gone over three digits but, I guess that's them. Me and Hanma's total came to a modest 12.49$ which me and him decide to split. Then after we had finished paying we walk out the store to see Leaf Tackling Kazu.
"JUST DO IT!!!" Leaf yells.
Me and Hanma burst into laughter.
"Yeah Kazu! I'm sure you'll be so pretty!" Hanma taunts.
"But my boobs will be gone by the time we leave the movie! THEY WILL LOOK DEFLATED!!!" Kazu yells, pushing Leaf's grubby little hands away.

Next chapter has some angst 👁️👁️

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