Chapter 2

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There she is standing behind her parents, shaking like a leaf as if I am going to kill her , I will do everything except killing her.

'Mate' my vampire nico is almost moaning looking at her,we both are trying to get a good peek at her.

Her parents, her fucking parents are standing like bodyguards shielding her away from our eyes by their bodies.

I simply want to burn their bodies to the ground for keeping her away from our eyes may be I should do that, my vampire self nico is very much happy with my thoughts and agreed with me.

Iam only a few feet away from them now and I growled warning them to move away from her, their shaking increased but still they didn't even move an inch .

Thats when I finally looked into their eyes and warned them to move away, this time they listened, good for them.

They moved away from her very reluctantly and stood just beside her, all of them are shaking, pure fear is radiating off of them.

My inner monsters are satisfied with their fear, it's good for them to fear me any sane person would do the same.

Now My mate is standing just before me, just a few feet away from me, I looked at her mesmerised and forgot to breath.

Her face , it's so angelic and innocent, I have never seen anything like that or anyone like that, can someone look this beautiful? can someone look this innocent? Is it even possible?

I took a few steps towards her and stand just a few inches away from her face,her breathing stopped immediately.

I chuckled at how scared she is, at how scared they are, that's when I heard a whimper from her, okay now I didn't mean to scare her by my chuckle.

I turned around hearing multiple footsteps, gasps and some screamings and found the royal guards waiting for my orders.

They are the vampire soldiers which is why they get to come here at such short notice I think it's Alexander who sent them.

I smirked looking around every human in the surrounding is kneeling and kept their heads bowed down knowing iam not just any vampire.

They must have realised that iam the royal vampire and their king, suddenly all I can feel is their fear, fucking cowards.

I turned around to look at my mate as I couldn't even concentrate on anything other then her.

Iam still looking at her , her beautiful eyes,lips and neck everything is calling me to touch her, for a second I thought it might be a dream not believing that anyone can even look this beautiful and innocent.

I want to suck all the blood from her neck, her long neck is teasing me to taste her and kept tempting me.

Okay that's it iam going to take her to the castle now , as I raised my hand to take her hand in mine and drag her to the castle she immediately took a step back looking at me with wide eyes.

Her parents again kept her behind their bodies and try to shield her from me, "p..please my king , she is innoce....." her mother started pleading but I stopped her by compelling.

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