Chapter 6

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After the meeting with the kings Ava went upstairs to meet Isla her future queen to explain everything to her.

The servants gave her potions to heal her and Isla gain her consciousness after a few minutes.

The moment she opened her eyes the servants were ready to be at her service and help her with everything.

They gave her food as soon as she woke up, Isla was hesitant but she was hungry she hasn't eaten anything since yesterday so she ate the food without complaining.

The servants left her after she ate her food to give her privacy, they went outside and informed her that she can call them if she needed anything.

Isla was sitting on the bed with closed eyes leaning on the headboard thinking about the knight brothers, she doesn't know what to do or how to feel about them.

Suddenly the door to her room opened and Isla quickly became alert thinking it was the knight brothers.

She felt relieved after knowing it was not them, she curiously observed the lady that entered the room, her eyes roamed the lady's elegant royal dress.

She jumped out of the bed and stood on her feet as a sign of respect, she bowed her head and addressed her politely " Greetings my lady".

Isla doesn't know who the women was but she can easily recognise that the lady was a royal by simply looking at her cloths.

An elegant aura was surrounded by that women and how can she disrespect the royal by sitting on the bed.

Ava's eyes widened by looking at Isla bowing her head , how can she allow the future queen to bow her head for her.

Ava quickly corrected her " No my lady, you are our future queen".

Hearing the royal addressing her with respect and calling her a future queen surprised Isla, she doesn't know what to say anymore.

Ava bowed her head and introduced herself formally " Iam Ava knight the first cousin of the kings my lady "

Isla introduced herself too " hello my name is Isla."

Ava nodded her head "you are our future queen my lady, I am happy to finally meet you"

" You should sit my lady you don't have to stand" ava made her sit in her previous seat and sat beside her.

She gently took her hands and turned towards her "Iam here to explain the mating process to you my lady".

Ava stilled and then hesitantly nodded her head , she knew this is inevitable and can not be avoided.

Eventhough she is a human and doesn't get any official education she knew some basics about supernaturals.

There village heads would teach the children, it's important because they don't know what would happen and they wanted the kids to be prepared.

So they would teach what is being thought in the official schools to their village kids which cover the important basic information on the vampires, werewolf, witches and their mate bonds.

"Please call me Isla" she is not comfortable being addressed as my lady especially from a royal like Ava.

Ava smiled looking at her , the moment she entered the room she instantly liked Isla .

Isla is looking so innocent and pure that Ava can not wonder if she is looking at a human or a fairy, if the fairies aren't extincted she would have thought the girl infront of her is a fairy.

Ava nodded her head smiling at her " so do you know anything about mate bond Isla?"

Isla hesitantly nodded her head " I know some things about mate bond , my village heads would teach us some basics about all this."

She became sad remembering her time in the village, she may never see her village again.

"That is good , so as you know the mate bond is about..........." And she went on for about an hour explaining everything clearly to Isla.

Isla on the other hand is dumbstruck , she doesn't want to go through all that , she doesn't want to mate with the four kings.

The most scary part is that they are going to mark her today in a few hours.

"No" the words slipped out of her mouth before she could stop them, she kept shaking her head not ready to accept all this.

Ava felt pity for the girl sitting infront of her, she said softly to calm her down " Calm down Isla, everything will be all right, nothing will happen, marking is not very painful as you think."

"No please, at..atleast not today" Isla is not mentally ready for this and she knew that perfectly clear.

Ava want to help her but she knew she can't help her, nobody can, she shook her head and said softly " No Isla, once a supernatural found their mate they can't wait , their vamparism or werewolf instincts will force them to mark their mate as soon as possible."

She took a long breath and said again " Infact we generally mate with them immediately after marking them but we know you can't go through all that in a single day which is why they are only marking you today, it took me a lot of time to convince them to just mark you today and mate with you tomorrow."

Ava really insisted them on this because she knew Isla can't survive all this in one day.

Isla felt defeated hearing her words , she knew she can't do anything, so she simply nodded her head, the faster she accepts the reality the better it is for her.

Ava turned towards the entrance and called for a servant to come inside.

A servant quickly entered the room and bowed her head to the two royals infront of her" how may I help you my lady."

Ava turned towards the servant " Get a red potion for the lady."

The red potion is known to improve the blood in a human miraculously, the witches worked very hard to create this potion, it is very much needed in a world where the vampires are fully dependent on humans blood.

Ava knew Isla needed this potion now, although once the marking process starts Isla's life will be connected to the immortal kings but Ava doesn't want to risk Isla's health.

The maid appeared after a few seconds and mixed the potion infront of them and passed the glass to Ava.

Ava slowly passed the glass to Isla and explained softly " here drink this, it is known to increase blood for humans."

Isla immediately drank the potion knowing how much she needed it, especially since three of her mates are vampires.

Isla drank the bitter potion totally and coughed hard, she never drank anything this bitter.

Ava immediately gave her a glass of water, Isla took it and drank it in a second.

" Prepare another one " Ava ordered the servant , both Isla and the servant looked at her surprised.

Servant looked surprised because generally one Portion is enough, Isla looked surprised because she hated the drink.

Ava gave her a gentle smile and explained further " All four of them are going to mark you today and three of them are vampires trust me you need this."

Isla reluctantly drank the bitter drink again hearing Ava's words.

Ava gently squeezed her hands and said softly before leaving the room " Take some rest isla , there is still a few hours before the marking ceremony."


I hope you liked this chapter.

Shit is about to go down.

Who else loved Ava's character, just to be sure WE LOVE AVA.


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