Chapter 8

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Isla's pov:


I tried to hide my fear but still a whimper left my mouth the moment my back touched the wall, what was I even thinking there is no way iam escaping them, there is no way I am escaping any of this.

The fear was too overwhelming so I closed my eyes for a second to not look at them I know that if I keep looking at them the fear will only increase.

The small lake near our Village is the only place I would go to if iam feeling sad or nervous, infact I used to go there whenever I would feel overwhelmed, so I kept thinking about that place.

For I second I was at that lake, for a second I was surrounded by my family, for a second I felt I like I was not surrounded by these brothers.

I slowly felt the nervousness leaving me so i started to open my eyes once I knew that my fear was atleast in my control.

The older brother is the one I first saw, he was looking at me keenly as if observing me, I looked around the room and found them looking at me curiously.

I knew I have to face them and eventually get marked by them so I did what was best for me.

I slowly took a step forward towards the king Alexander, i don't want to be in fear and be scared, i have to go through with this.

The brothers were slightly surprised to see me move towards them on my own.

I barely took a couple steps towards them and stopped right there, i couldn't go any further, the fear is slowly becoming overwhelming with each step.

King Alexander took one large stride and now he is standing infront of me , the smirk on his face was long gone.

He kept looking at me intently but I couldn't bare his staring and bow my head to look at the ground, I don't think any human has ever seen him from this close.

He came even more closer and wrapped his hand around the back of my neck and slowly made me look into his eyes.

I never realised that he has ocean blue eyes , now that I think about it all the brothers have the same blue eyes, some with pale and some with ocean blue.

He kept looking at my whole face as if he is  searching for something, for a second his eyes went towards my lips and he started to inch his face towards mine.

I closed my eyes not knowing what to do , looking at him this closely is only making me more nervous.

With this closeness I can smell him now, I knew there is a specific scent for your mate and that only you can experience it, he smells like a rainy forest which is surprisingly calming me down a little.

My breath was caught in my lungs when I felt his nose touching mine and I can feel him slowly moving downwards.

When I felt him nearing my lips I shut my eyes even more tightly, his lips stops barely for a second just above mine.

I Suddenly opened my eyes when I felt his lips touching the side of my neck.

Now I can feel his fangs slowly moving on the side of my neck.

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