Chapter 4

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Author's pov :

Damian quickly started going towards his brothers,he can already hear their bickering.

"Why did you send her away?" Theodore asked not knowing what is going in his brothers mind, Alexander closed his eyes and took a deep breath not answering his brother.

"Yes brother what happened?" This time it is Damian who asked, they are shocked to say the least as to why his brother send her away instead of getting more closer to her as any mate would do.

Alexander opened his eyes and looked at his brothers, all them are waiting for his answer and looking eager to end their conversation here so they could meet their beautiful mate.

"Brother?..... What happened" Aaron asked bringing him back to reality.

"Every cell in my body is forcing me to pounce on her and fucking mate with her and then mark her the instant i saw her, If I looked at her for a minute more I would have done that." His voice went louder with each word.

The brothers were stunned hearing his words, they almost wanted to do the same too but never expected it from Alexander because he controls himself very well and he hates having a mate more then anyone so they never expected it from him.

The brothers went silent for a minute thinking what their future is going to be like after getting their mate.

They are almost 1000 years old And their routine is almost same, nothing much changed in the past few centuries for them.

But now they knew it will change a lot and to be Frank they are still not ready to accept the changes.

Aaron was the first to come out of his thoughts and asked his brothers to control their inner monsters and their wild thoughts if they want to meet her as soon as possible.

Alexander nodded his head and started going towards the room where his human mate is resting.

She on the other hand is very scared and confused not knowing what is happening around her.

She refused to everything the maids asked her of, she refused to eat, bath or take some rest.

She is way too scared to have some rest right now or do anything at all, all she wanted was to go to her little village ,her home.

She is pacing back and forth around the room when she heard the door opening and quickly turned towards the entrance.

She backed away as she saw them coming into the room.

When their power spread across the room,she whispered 'Supernaturals'.

One of them smirked hearing her, each one of them looked scary and dangerous, she looked around the room for an escape but couldn't find any, though it would be a waste of energy because she knew she could never outrun them.

She gulped and backed away until her back hit the wall as she saw them coming towards her.

They stopped at the middle of the room, and saw her already shaking in fear.

"W..w...who are" She stuttered badly, she has never seen a supernatural before that too this powerfull.

Alexander growled hearing her voice for the first time,he never knew a person's voice can be this melodic.

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