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"Come on boys, or you'll be late for school."
Jeongguk yelled as he ran down the stairs in his big house fixing his tye.
The three big dogs in the sitting room all getting up when he came in.
The dogs got excited and began to run up to him.
"No no out side'" he said sternly and pointed to the open backdoor leading to the fenced yard.
The dogs ran out the house and he closed the door after them.

"Boys come on we don't have time for this, I am already late"
He whispered the last part and looked at his watch grabbing his car keys off the table.
Just then two small boys ran down the stairs and into the kitchen.
Jeongguk handed both the boys a lunchbox and a apple to eat on the way.
They didn't have time to eat breakfast.
"Dad apple juice." One of the boys complained as he followed the tall man pointing at the refrigerator behind them.
The man groaned turing around and grabbed two circle bottles of apple juice and handed them to the boys.

"Dad play some music" one of the boys said sitting up in his seat as they drove down the road.
"No eat your apple"
He said and rubbed his temples and stopping at a red light.
"Please dad play music"
The other boy whined and jeongguk sighed.
"No music"
"But Jeonhoo and me want music."
" God boys not today, no music" he said sternly as he continued to drive.
He was stressed out because he knew he had a long shift today and had no one to pick the boys up from school.

" Boys I won't be here to pick you up on time so I need you to walk to Jin hyung's shop as soon as school ends. Do you understand? "
He explained parking the car Infront of the school.
He got out and grabbed his boys holding their hands as the crossed the street.

" Mr. Jeon we are so glad you are here. "
One of the teachers said when she saw him.
" Um is there something that you need from me - did the boys do something "
He asked furrowing his eyebrows and looking at the boys.
" No they are very well behaved, you are a great father. "
She said and smiled.
" That's news to me"
Jeongguk thought as he fixed his face into a poker face.

" The thing is that we have just gotten a new teacher and well... He is really young. A lot of parents like to check the teacher before and so far everyone seems perfectly fine with him. But we would like you to come in and see just incase. "
He smiled and lead the family in the school.
Jeongguk groaned under his breath and checked his watch again.
He stopped the teacher and said,
" I am so sorry but I can't do this right now I am in a rush and I need to get to work. I will try to meet the new teacher later this afternoon but I really got to go. " He explained then jogged out The school and across the street, and bolted down the road to get to work as close to on time as possible.

~ The End Of School ~

After school let out jeongguk's sons Junhoo and Jung-ji walked to Jin hyung's shop.
The man had owned a small bakery and café called 'Sweets & Things'.
The café was a cream and ventage them.
It was quite popular in the neighborhood and was a five star place.
Jin hyung was a close family friend who always took care of the boys when their dad couldn't make it... Which was more often then not.

The boys walked into the café holding hands.
The looked around and took a seat close to the counter so that Jin hyung could watch them.
The boys settled in their seats and Seokjin brought the boy a small bite sized apple tart.

The door opened and closed and a small pale man with soft long brown hair walked up to the counter.
He pushed the bell on the counter and looked around.
He then spotted the two boys and waved.
" Junhoo and Jung-ji hi" he said with a gummy smile on his face.
Just then Jin hyung came to take his order.

The young guy ordered a caramel iced coffee and a plain sugar cookie.
"And what's the name on the order?" Seokjin smiled and waited with his pen and note pad.
" Oh, ah Min Yoongi please." He said as he pulled his wallet out of his pocket.
He gave Seokjin his card and when he got it back he walked up to the boys.

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