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Yoongi rose from the bed and made his way down the stairs.
He made himself a nice cup of hot coffee and sat at the kitchen island.
He turned on the news from where he sat and sipped his coffee slowly.
"Mmm can I have some?"
A small voice asked shocking Yoongi.
He looked down to see Jung-ji standing next to his chair with an expressionless face.
That boy was really a little weirdo.
Yoongi chuckled to himself and lifted the boy into the seat across from him.
He grabbed a coffee mug and poured apple juice in it and slid it across the marble to the small boy.
The boy just smiled happily and sipped his drink.
They sat in silence for a second before the door bell rang.
They both paused thinking they must be hearing things.
Then it happened again.

Yoongi swung the door open cutting off the annoying and fast ringing.
He was met with a taller slender woman with long black hair.
She was obviously confused but too impatient to let the smaller speak.
" Where is jeongguk?"
She questioned as she entered the house.
She stood in the doorway and scanned the house turning her head every which way.
She was about to go deeper into the house but Yoongi stepped in front of her and put his arms out making her stop.
" Um you can't just enter into someone else's house i-it I mean u-um I-"
He was stuttering as the woman walked closer to him and toward over him.
He hesitated but went to open his mouth again.
" This is my house."
She said in a miniscing tone.
The smaller one was a little scared.
He was just having a nice cup of coffee and now there is someone pushing their way into his home.
I mean Jeongguk's home.
" where is jeongguk I need to speak to him."
The woman demanded as she mad her way to the kitchen.
She froze when she saw the boy sitting down drinking from a mug.
"Junhoo is that you?"
She questioned as she went to hug the small boy.
" I'm Jung-ji not Junhoo"
He said squished in her breast.
The boys eyes shifted to Yoongi for help.
Yoongi walked up to the woman with a small not so real smile.
" I-um jeongguk is sleeping... Um would you like a drink. I can go wake him up for you."
Yoongi said pouring the woman a cup of water.
" That would be great; a word first though."
She said as she sat at the bar.
" Are you the nanny?"
She asked making Yoongi furrow his eyebrows.
" What?"
" I mean you are a good nanny? I have never seen a male nanny before, I heard of them but it doesn't seem like a very manly job."
She sipped her water after that with raised eyebrows.
" No he is, is my teacher!"
The boy admitted excitedly.
" I- I'll go get Jeongguk. "

Yoongi ran up the stairs offended.
Who did she think is was.
Calling him a nanny.
He is no nanny.
He was good to the boys.
" Jeongguk wake up! "
Yoongi said angrily slapping him with a pillow.
Said male groaned and rolled on his back.
Yoongi swung the pillow again but it was caught mid air by the tallers buff arms.
" What is wrong with you? "
Jeongguk said sitting up and pulling Yoongi into his lap.
" There is some lady here that said she needs to talk to you."
Jeongguk began to kiss Yoongi's neck softly.
" She will leave just don't open the door."
He said sliding his hands into the smallers shirt.
" Mm it's to late for that... She let herself in already."
He said making jeongguk groan.
" She won't leave. And she called me a nanny."
Jeongguk groaned again realizing who was in his house.
He threw Yoongi on the bed then kissed his lips.
" Ok... Let me handle it."


" What are you doing here? "
" Well hello to you too asshole. "
She spat as she twisted in her chair to face him.
She eyed his shirtless body up and down like she was looking at the most delicious meal she ever saw.
" I missed you jeongguk didn't you miss me?"
" No not at all"
Jeongguk said running his hand through his hair with a straight face.
" Jung-ji missed me. "
She said pinching the boys cheek.
" Jung-ji doesn't even know you"
Jeongguk dead pined lifting the boy off the chair and onto the floor.
The boy ran up the stairs meeting yoongi at the top.
He smiled when the teacher picked him up and made his way into the boys room.
He sat the boy on the bed with his brother.
Yoongi put his finger to his lips signaling for the boy to be quiet so they can heat what was happening down stairs.

"Please, why do you have to be such a bitch. Why can't you just leave..."
Jeongguk sighed running his hands through his hair.
The girl scoffed.
" I don't know why you are acting so funny. I wasn't a bitch when you were drilling me, or when I popped out those two twins, or when I was letting you fuck me even after we were done!"
She semi yelled at jeongguk making the male roll his eyes.
" Come on you are always doing this. Why can't you just leave us alone-"
" Shit jeongguk why do you have to be so selfish... What if I want to see the boys too!?... What if it's hard for me too-"
She said as tears stared to fall from her eyes.
" Oh please, save the bullshit! You are the selfish one. I know what your here for and when I give it to you I'm not going to see you for another 3 years... Listen, I don't care about the money but don't act like you know my boys, you will never be their mother! "
Jeongguk said making his way up the stairs again.
He went into his bedroom and grabbed his wallet.
Then stomped back down the stairs.
Yoongi followed knowing that the taller man was pissed.
He quickly ran infront of his lover and put his small hands on the others brod chest.
" Yoongi what are you doing?"
He questioned with gritted teeth.
" Don't be upset. If you go back in there like this you may say something to really hurt her."
" She is a selfish bitch and a slut, she has no feelings."
He said aggressively yanking Yoongi's hands off of him then pushing him to the side.
Yoongi hit the wall and whined a little.
He just watched as jeongguk grabbed money out of his wallet and slammed it on the table.
" Here... Actually you know what... Here"
He said taking some more money and shoving it into her chest.
She gasped a little as she clenches her chest.
" Fuck jeongguk why would you do that."
She angrily said, weakly pushing the taller back.
" Get your fucking money and get the fuck out. And Yoongi isn't the nanny..."
He leaned over into her ear,
"... He is your replacement."
He said smirking as her eyes grew wide.
Yoongi stood there shocked.
Just then Junhoo and Jung-ji came running down the stairs.
" Mama? "
They questioned making both jeongguk and the woman look at the stairs.
Yoongi blushes then looked away.
The woman was fuming.
She grabbed the money and rushed out of the house with an extremely sour look on her face.
"- dang... I really don't like your baby mama."
Yoongi joked making jeongguk laugh and lift him off the ground kissing his lips.

1279 words...
I was going to write more but I figured it could just be another chapter so that the book can go on longer 😂

Ok but on a serious note... What do y'all think about a yooonmin chapter????
I mean seriously...
Also if you are reading this my new story is about to drop in like an hour sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

With much love, Me 😘

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