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"Look Tae I'm really sorry about what happened, I was just stressed out at the time and I couldn't find anyone to watch the boys. I know it's no excuse for calling Jimin your bitch but I really am sorry."
Jeongguk said with one arm crossed over the other.
He was currently on the phone with Taehyung while sitting on a bench in the park watching his boys and dogs play.
"Your an asshole and Jimin is still pissed."
Taehyung responded irritation evident in his voice.
"I know that but..."
Jeongguk took a deep breath feeling himself getting a little impatient.
"Look I am really sorry to both you and Jimin and I understand that you are mad but the boys miss you guys. I can understand if you really don't want to be friends anymore but the boys at least deserve better then that."
Jeongguk argued trying his hardest to be as polite as possible.
He was really sorry , it's just that when he feels like people are over reacting or prolonging problems he gets really irritated really fast.
Taehyung sided and told jeongguk to hold on then hung the phone up.
Jeon screwed up his face in confusion and a little bit of frustration.
He gently but firmly tossed his phone next to him on the bench then crossed his arms.

He sat there for a good five minutes before some came up to him screaming.
He reached behind him and grabbed the person's arm.
The person had clearly tried to scare him but it only irritated him and right after he had just managed to calm down.

He stood up from his spot and turned around slowly with an expression that said 'what the fuck is wrong with you'.                                                                                                                                                    Taehyung stood there with a small smile and Jimin clinging to his arm.                                                    "Hey Ggukie how are you my not so friendly friend?"                                                                                           Taehyung teased. Jimin stood there with a smirk on his face. He was obviously still mad about the call and had something to say to Jeongguk but he kept his mouth shut and walked away going to play with the boys. Tae sat next to Jeon and they both spread their legs in a manly way. "Look tae man im sorry i called jimin a bitch i was just pissed because i hadn't been on a date in a while and i couldn't find anyone to watch the boys. on top of that I had shit I had to finish for work and on top of all that the little shots were at work with me and I just didn't know what to do."                                                                                                                                                                                 Jeongguk admitted. He just ran his figures through his hair after hearing taehyung say that all was forgiven. They sat in silence for a while and just watched the boys play with jimin.


Some time later the boys came back with jimin following behind them and the dogs behind him. "Daddy can we have some ice cream?" Junhoo asked as he sat in between Jeongguk and Taehyung. "No we cannot, you can't have ice cream every time we go to the park." Jeon responded then helped Jung-ji into his lap. Jimin sat down on the other side of Taehyung and the dogs sit and lay infront of them. They know that people are looking at the big group as they pass by, but they could care less. Jeongguk sat there and zoned out as he heard his boys begin to wine and beg for ice cream. He just sat there thinking about Yoongi.

They had not seen each other since the day the boys came back which was a little over a week ago. Jeongguk would be lying if he said that he did not miss the small teacher. He also would be lying if he said he did not admire the teacher for being able to deal with his boys and 19 other parents kids 5 days a week. Jung-ji was a lot quieter then his brother. He never really was much of a talker. Even in those terrible 2's phases he never really talked or caused a lot of trouble. Junhoo on the other hand had a big mouth and never shut up. He was the total opposite of his brother. Sometimes even Jeongguk wondered how they were related, but he loved it the way it was. If he had two loud twins or two quiet twins the house would be throwed off. It was perfect the way it was. They were perfect the way they were.

Soon Junhoo gave up on the ice cream though and before they knew it they were on their way back home. Jung-ji had fallen asleep in the car while Junhoo tried to fight his sleep. Jeongguk got a call from Yoongi. He smiled happily and answered it. 

Now I am lazy so i'm not going to do the call dialog but he is outside of Yoongi's house and the boys are sleeping in the car.

He was a bit nervous as he rang the door bell. He stood with his hands in his pockets waiting for yoongi to open the door. When the door opened though it was not Yoongi. It was a taller guy who looked real familiar. The man screwed up his face when he opened the door to see jeongguk. "Who the fuck are you?" He asked in a rather low tone. Jeongguk's face then screwed up as he looked the man over then responded in a deep and intimidating voice, "I am here to pick up Yoongi. who the hell are you?" The man took a step closer to Jeongguk obviously trying to intimidate him. "I am his older brother." The man responded in a low angry tone as he stepped even closer to jeongguk.

"Geum-jae Hyung what are you doing to jeongguk." They both looked at the stairs. Yoongi was coming down the stairs with one of his brother's plain black shirts on and son white ripped jeans with all black sneakers. They watched as the boys small body ran down the flight of stairs.    "What do you mean what am I doing to him? He got in my face first." Jeongguk stood there with a shocked expression on his face. Did Yoongi's older brother really just tell that lie.                         "Hyung I'm not stupid. Anyway I will see you later hyung I am going with Jeongguk."

"What!! Why are you leaving? Don't you want to spend time with your own brother?"               Yoongi closed the door on his brother and walked back to jeongguks truck with his hand locked in the taller's.

1084 words

So ummmmmmm i did this chap on the computer  so the chap format is a little differwent then usual but i hope you enjoy...

With much love, Me 

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