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"Namjoon come on we are going to be late."
Hoseok complained as he opened the bathroom door and stood in the frame.
"Just give me a sec."
Namjoon said as he fiddled with his tie.
"Com here let me help you. We can not be late, do you understand."
Hoseok demands as he grabs either side of Namjoons collar and turned him away from the mirror.
Namjoon side softly with a small smile plastered on his face.
"Thank you"
He said softly and rubbed his hand on Hoseoks chubby cheeks.
"Stop you are so cheesey. You always act like and old man."
"Oh really, I mean I think I'm pretty active especially at night."
Namjoon teased with a laugh.
Hoseoks checks heated up making Namjoon laugh even more.
"Let's go."
Hoseok said pulling the man's tie tight then walking away.
Namjoon made a gagged face then loosened it a little.
He followed Hoseok out of the house and too the car.

"I hope that one day we will get married too. I have never been to a wedding before either. This is going to be so fun."
Hoseok rambled as Namjoon drove down the road.
Namjoon froze when he heard what Hoseok said.
"You've never been to a wedding?"
He said avoiding the first thing he had said.
"Nope, all my family members were married before I was born."
He said looking at Namjoon.
" Mmm what about your cousins and stuff?"
He questioned further.
" None of use are married yet. Not me, not my sister and not my cousins. "
He paused for a second then smirked.
" But it would be great if I was the first to be married. "
He said softly grabbing Namjoon's hand and kissing it.


"Hi Hobi."
Yoongi said excitedly hugging the said male.
"Hi love how are you doing?"
"I'm a little nervous but I mean who wouldn't be. "
" Yeah I know what you mean. What about Guem Jae, How's he doing. "
Hoseok and Yoongi walked away with each other leaving Namjoon and Jeongguks alone together.
" Hi? "
Namjoon said almost like a question sticking his hand out to shake Jeongguks hand.
" Hey. Nice to meet you I'm jeongguk. "
" I'm Namjoon. Hoseok and I are friends with Yoongi and Guem Jae. "
He said as they shook hands.
" Oh nice to finally meet you. "
Jeongguk said as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Namjoon doing the same as they stood around the door talking.
" Yeah you too. Yoongi has told me a lot about you and your kids... May I ask were they are? "
Namjoon said smiling at jeongguk who returned the same energy.
" My parents are watching them. I didn't want them to be the only kids here so I sent them to Grandma and Grandpa's house. "
Namjoon nodded his head on understanding, then readjust his stance.
They both let out a breathy chuckle.

A silence fell over them.
They both felt kinda awkward but ignored it.
Just when Jeongguk was about to excuse himself he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Jeongguk my friend how the fuck have you been."
A happy male said with a wife smile on his face as he wrapped his arm around Jeongguk's shoulder.
" Hey Taehyung... Who invited you? "
He said with a sarcastic scoff and a smile.
" No one I got in as Jimin plus one."
He joked with a slap to Jeongguk's chest.
"Hey I'm Kim Taehyung what about you?"
Taehyung said as he stuck his hand out.
"Kim Namjoon nice to meet you. "
Namjoon shook his hand with a small smile.
" Alright now that all the formalities have been dealt with why don't we find a table to sit at?"
Taehyung said energetically as he led the way to an empty table.
Namjoon looked a little taken back by the other man but brushed it off.
" Don't worry that crazy little shit is always like this."
Jeongguk jokingly said making the other laugh.


"We are gathered here today to join these two people in matromny. Kim Seokjin and Min Guem Jae. These two people want to be one in body soul and mind."
The priest said Geum jae began to slightly bouncy in happiness making the crowd giggle.

"Do you Kim Seokjin take this man to be yours forever. Do you promise to love and hold this man always, through sickness and health as long as you both shall live?"
With a nod and a big smile,
"Yes... Absolutely."
He said softly staring into Geum Jaes eyes.
"And do you Min Ge-"
"Yes, Yes, Yes!!"
He interrupted excitedly making the crowd laugh once again.
"Ok, well um... Then I now pronounce you married, you may kiss the-"
Before he could finish what he was saying Geum Jae pulled Seokjin into a passionate kiss.
The crowd beganto clap and laugh with happiness.
Geum jae pulled away from Seokjin and stared into his eyes.
" I love you..."
Seokjin said then pecked his lips again.
" I love you too."

After the reception the eight men were all sitting at a table introducing themselves.
Everyone already knowing Yoongi just made jokes when he began to introduce himself.
" Well it is nice to meet you Taehyung and Jimin. I really thought my jinnie didn't have any friends."
Geum jae joked as he look Seokjin in the eyes with a mischievous look.
Everyone else began to laugh loudly.
Everyone there was thinking the same thing.
The couple was just so cute, and perfect together.
It made their hearts melt.

917 words
Kinda short but I got stuck at the end so boom here you go!!!!!
Also it has been a really long time since I updated this book and that's because I was device-less for almost 2 months.
Then I got something to write on but I didn't know what to write bc the last chapter was supposed to be the last but I changed my mind.

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