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" Jin wake up."
Geum jae called as he leaned over the lump in his bed.
Jin had slept with his back towards the other.
"It's our first day of married life."
He said with a big smile as he slid his body over jins so that he was now looking at the sleeping man's face.
"Mmm baby please let me sleep, I have to go back to work tomorrow."
Seokjin said as he turned over.
Geum jae repeated the same action so that he was now looking at the man's face.
"Please wake up, it's our first day as a married couple don't you wanna do stuff?"
Geum jae said teasingly as he slid his hand up Seokjin shirt.
"Baby it's the morning we can do 'stuff' later. Please let me sleep."
He pecked Geum Jaes lips before turning over again.
Geum Jae sighed loudly.

What was he going to do? Seokjin was being a buzz kill already.
They have been married for 24 hours not 24 years.
He was so upset right now.
He got out of bed and went straight for the living room.
He turned on the TV and sat down for a second before he got back up and went to the kitchen.
He smiled as he walked into their kitchen and grabbed ingredients out of their refrigerator.

Seokjin finally opened his eyes and he was happy he did.
When he finally woke up he smelt the most delicious breakfast he ever did smell.
He stretched for a second then finally got out of bed.
When he entered the main part of the house he noticed that Geum jae was sitting on the coach not at the kitchen table.
"Hey baby, what are you doing?"
He asked when he noticed the plate in his lover's hand.
"I didn't want to miss my show, it's live you know?"
Seokjin gave him a small smile and kissed his head before going into the kitchen.
He looked around the kitchen for a pan or something with his breakfast in it.
He looked in the fridge.
He looked on the counter.
In the oven.
On the stove, of course though he could not find anything to eat.

" Baby, where is my breakfast? "
Seokjin asked as he walked back into the living room.
"Did you make one?"
Geum jae said without looking at his now husband.
"No I thought you made breakfast."
He said as he leaned on the coach, realizing what Guem Jae did.
" No just me, I figured that if I made you breakfast it would mess up your sleep and you would have a hard time at work tomorrow."
"Oh, I see. Is this how it's gonna be."
Seokjin said and smiled softly at his petty husband.
" Why, what ever do you mean darling?"
" I love you."
Seokjin said chuckling then capturing his husband's lips.
Geum jae moaned slightly which gave Seokjin a chance to enter his wet mouth.
Geum jae moaned again as they explored each other's mouth.
Geum jae tilted his head slightly making it easier to suck each others face.
Seokjin moved the plate out of the way and picked geum jae up and walked him to the bedroom.
Geum jae moaned as Jin threw him on the bed.
" I want you baby."
Seokjin said then took his shirt off.
"Mmmm me to, please I'm so horny right now."
Geum jae moaned he did the same.
They both pulled their bottoms down and Seokjin straddled his lover.
" Beg for it baby."
Seokjin said as he pumped Geum Jaes little friend.
" Please baby I can't take it anymore."
Seokjin smiled as he stood up then slowly slid down Geum Jaes shaft.
" Ugh, baby that feels so good."
Geum jae moaned loudly as Seokjin began to ride his huge rod.


" Jeongguk wake up, we can't find Jung-ji anywhere!"
Yoongi said loudly as he shook the bigger male as hard as he could.
" What are you talking about?"
He said as he rose from his sleeping position slowly.
His hair was sticking up and his voice was horse.
He hadn't even opened his eyes when he asked what happened.
" Daddy wakes up, Jung-ji is gone!!"
Junhoo said as he climbed in Jeongguk's bed with a tear stained face.
Jeongguk finally opened his eyes and saw the panic on everyone's face.
" Please jeongguk help us find him. He is missing, and I'm scared."
Yoongi said as tears started to fall down his face.
He had been holding the tears back because Junhoo was scared and he wanted to comfort the little boy.
When he saw Junhoo's tears fall again when he looked at his father, Yoongi couldn't help but finally cry.
Jeongguk grabbed them both and pulled them into a hug.
" Shhhh, it's ok I am here for you. We'll find him ok?"
He said wiping Yoongi tears.
" Ok? "
He asked again then wiped Junhoo's tears.
They both nodded and sniffled in response.

The three boys were walking down the street looking around for the small child.
" Jung-ji!!!"
' where could he be? '
Jeongguk thought as he walked into a park.
Junhoo had been following close behind his father, while Yoongi had went off by himself.

" Daddy this is all my fault."
Junhoo said as tears started falling from his eyes once again.
" What are you talking about?"
Jeongguk said as he scooped Junhoo up and walked towards a bench.
" I got mad at him, because I thought he was cheating."
Junhoo said as jeongguk sat down.
Junhoo snuggled into his father's big strong arms.
" He said no but I said yes and now he doesn't want to be in the same family as me."
Junhoo said crying loudly.
Jeongguk hugged him and softly patted his back making the boy tired.

Yoongi soon walked up to the two males with a look of defeat.
Junhoo had fallen asleep in his dad's lap, and Jeongguk was busy wiping the tears from his sleepy eyes.
" No luck?"
Jeongguk said finally looking and smiling softly when seeing how down Yoongi looked.
He felt the same though, but he had to be strong.
" No"
Yoongi said with his head hung low
" It'll be ok, let's go home and call 119, mk? "
Jeongguk question and stood from the bench.
Yoongi nodded and they began to walk back home.

Jung-ji called as he walked through the quiet house.
" Junhoo where are you!?"
He yelled as loud as he could as he climbed up the stairs to the sleeping area.
" Junhoo? I'm sorry ok, I was cheating you were right so come back ok?"
He said as he looked for his brother in their shared room.
He walked towards his father's room and knocked on the door.
" Daddy?"
He said as he pushed the door open.
" Mommy?"
He said as tears started to well up in his eyes.
" Please come back, I will be good, I'll never cheat on anything again I promise."
He said as he walked through the empty house again.
Finally the boy stopped at the front, tears falling from his eyes.
He was going to look for his family.
But he couldn't do it.
He remembered how his daddy told him never to go outside alone.
He started to cry more as he stared at the tall door.
" I want my daddy! "
He cried loudly.

The door slung open and revealed jeongguk with a sleeping Junhoo in his arms.
" D-Daddy?! "
Jung-ji said as he got up from the floor and ran towards jeongguk.
The man lifted the crying child in his arm and cradled him next to his sleeping. Brother.
" It's ok, you're alright."
Jeongguk said comforting his son as he sat on the coach.
Yoongi sat next to him and leaned his head on his broad shoulder.
" I was scared Daddy."
Junhoo said as he snuggled his face into his father's neck.
Taking short breaths, trying his hardest to stop crying.
" I know, but you're ok. Daddies here now. "

1336 words.
So I really didn't know what to right after doing the Jin and Jae couple smut ... But I figured it out and that's what you got ...
Also I bet you didn't see that power bottom Jin coming hahahahaha...

With much love, Me 😘

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