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Yoongi slid through the packed hallway with the boys in his arms.
The school had a major fire alert and Yoongi was on break at the time.
He ended up finding the boys separately from their gym teacher and being trampled as the teachers and students rush out of the school.
Jung-ji cried into Yoongi's shoulder as Junhoo stretched across his chest rubbing his brothers because back.
Junhoo was scared too but he wasn't going to let his brother know that.
He was the strongest twin so he had to make sure that Jung-ji knew it was going to be ok.
Once outside Yoongi looked around trying to find some where to wait with the twins.
He saw a lonely bench away from the school and went to sit there.

Once he sat both the boys down and got them settled he immediately took out his phone and called jeongguk.
The phone rang three times before jeongguk answered.
"Hey jeongguk... Um are you busy?"
"No I'm never to busy for you my love. What's up!"
"Ummm jeon- jeongguk I... "
Yoongi began to cry into the phone call and jeongguk waits listening for a second...
Then it hit him.
" Are you crying baby? "
He asked almost like he was mad.
" Jeon-the school cought on fire.... It is burning jeongguk and I don't know what to do . "
Yoongi responded now getting more anxious.
He began to pass back and while clenching and letting go of his silky black hair.
He was hyperventilating.
What was he supposed to do?
Stay outside?
Go see if there are anymore students in there?
He was freaking out.
The boys noticed his panic and began the silently cry again.
They held hands as tears flowed out their eyes.
They continuously wiped each others eyes.

" Baby listen to me it ok. Are and the boys out of the building? "
" Yeah.... We are all together. "
Jeongguk hummed in response to his lover and there was a nice pause .
" Jeongguk please come and get us-"
Yoongi broke the silence as he started to cry again.
He heard shuffling and a big of rattling on the other line.
" I'm on my way."
Jeongguk hung up after telling Yoongi that everything was going to be ok a few more times.


Jeongguk buckled Junhoo into the car.
Yoongi and Jung-ji already in the car and waiting for him to drive.
He kisses Junhoo's head, then kisses his fingers and reaches his arm across the seats and placed his kiss on Jung-ji's forehead as well.
He got in and immediately kissed Yoongi's lips.
Yoongi sighed into the kiss.
It was a sign of relief and exhaustion.
They pull away and put their foreheads together for a second.
They fully took each other in before jeongguk began to drive.
Yoongi stared out the window as he felt tears well in his eyes again.
What was he going to do.
That school was his whole life and now... It's gone... Just like that-
He just doesn't understand.
He met the boys at that school.
He met jeongguk at that school.
The first school that let him teach despite his... Feminine ways.
He has nothing saved up.
He has no other school that he can think of that would take him.
He just doesn't understand what happened.

The male quickly wiped his face once he felt a single tear slide down the side of his cheek.
He checked on the twins who had fallen asleep holding hands.
Yoongi stared at their red noses and red puffy eyes.
He gently wipes Jung-ji's cheek with his thumb and smiles slightly.
They were so perfect.
He wishes that they were his kids.
He hadn't even thought about how the kids must feel.
That was their school.
Not only that they were caught in something so traumatizing at such a young age.
What was jeongguk going to do with them.
What if they ended up having night terrors based off the fire.
What if they get scared to walk into big buildings because of what happened.
They were just babies.
How would they cope with this stuff.
Yoongi stared at them for a little while longer.
He then realized what he was doing and quickly turned around in his seat.

Although jeongguk never looked away from the road he saw what yoongi did.
He saw how sweet he was with them.
He saw how worried he was for them... He even noticed the lonely longing he so obviously had in his eyes.
He could tell that the male really loved his sons.
Even more than their own mother actually.
He watched as Yoongi turned back to the window.
He began to stare out of it.
Jeongguk was worried.
The poor male hasn't said anything since they left the school.


" Kim Taehyung get your juicy ass in here!"
Taehyung flinches at the voice of his lover that echoed through their apartment.
He dropped his controller on the couch and watched his cart run into a wall.
He was in first place.
Now he is going to lose the race.
He stomped into the other room where his boyfriend was slipping on his shoes.
" Where are you going?"
He asked as he plucked some grapes off the fruit bowl that was supposed to be covered.
" We are going to jeongguks as soon as you clean up your mess."
" What mess?"
Taehyung asked as he plucked more grapes and stuffed them in his mouth.
Jimin grabbed the stretchy plastic cover and slammed it over the bowl.
" This mess."
He simply stated then pointed around the kitchen.
Taehyungs eyes scanned the kitchen.
Jimin was right he had left a mess... A big mess.
He left the coffee and cream out, the milk, sugar, and the leftovers that he used to fix himself a midday snack earlier.
Wow he was shocked.
He thought he put that stuff away.
He sighed heavily and began to put the things where they go.


1001 words
A little shorter then usually...
Also sorry for the long wait

And sorry for this but the last 3 or 4 chapters are going to have to wait....
The story is going on a small break but I swear it's not long

With much love, Me 😘

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