~run away shops~

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Loki was shook awake by his brother Thor, he covered his face with his hands and let out a grown (I can't spell 😭).

"Brother you must get up now we have to go shopping" Thor said before shaking Loki more. "Ok ok!" Loki whined "I'm getting up" Loki pushed himself up into a sitting position and ruds his eyes with the palm of his hands. He yawned before pulling the covers off and slipping off the bed, "you get dressed and head down stairs when your done" Thor said as he walked to his room door before pulling it open and stepping out. Loki nodded as he followed after him, he slipped past Thor and into his bedroom going straight to the closest to see what he had to wear, there wear oversized graphic T's and jeans. "Really no suits.. This isn't fit for a God like me, I must look good not like I'm homeless" Loki mumbled before annoying crossing his arms.

"Hey bud" Loki looked up to see Steve standing in the doorway. Loki gave a small smile before taking a t shirt and some jeans. "Do you like the clothes, I um bought them myself" Steve smiled hoping the answer was yes. Loki thought for a moment thinking if he should lie or not, he didn't want to hurt Steve's feelings so he lied and said he liked them, Steve happily clapped his hands before turning and heading down stairs.
After a bit Loki made his way to the bathroom, he shut the door and set the clothes on the counter. He pulled his pajama shirt off and replaced it with the graphic T then did the same with his pajama pants. "They are comfy" Loki thought out loud, the T-shirt was oversized so it went down past his crotch and the jeans were slightly baggy but good enough to stay up without a belt or anything.

Loki headed down stairs and saw thor,Tony and Steve standing by the front door "your finally ready" Tony said annoyed. Loki looked down before nodding, "alright then let's go" Tony replied shoving the front door open. All four of them made there way to the car and piled in. Loki struggled with the seat belt for a bit before cap pulled it over him and buckled him in. "Thank you" Loki mumbled before letting his head hit the window, "no problem loks" cap smiled and buckled himself up.

The car ride was somewhat long and Loki hated it, he was tired and the bumpy road made his stomach hurt. His eye lids were becoming heavy and he wanted to just sleep but ofc went he was about to try they made it to Walmart. "Steve watch loki why we shop" Tony said as he put the car in park then switching off the car. "Alright" cap replied and reached over unbuckling Lokis seat belt, Loki pushed open the car door and stepped out, he took a deep breath in getting that nice fresh air. "Come on loks, let's go inside" Steve smiled as he grab Lokis hand and pulled him along, once they got into Walmart tony and Thor went on there way to go get the groceries which left Loki and Steve together to do whatever they wanted. "So what do you wanna look at" Steve asked, Loki shrugged and stared at the floor, the store wasn't very crowded but it still made Loki feel unsafe. Then something came to him, he didn't know why but his body and mind told him to run... Run far away as fast as he could. He could escape and live somewhere then start his plans to take over Asgard again. Loki smiled as he looked up  "I wanna go look at the toys please" Loki replied. "Ooo perfect choice" Loki nodded as he watched Steve head towards the toy isle, Loki heart started to pick up speed as his mind told him now, it was time to run.. Run! RUN!. Loki took a deep breath and turned on his heels and bolted out the store he ran and ran, he's chest acked and his breathing was labour and hard to catch. His legs felt numb and sweat pooled down his face, he continue to run in till he couldn't take it anymore and fell to the ground. Loki pants as he grips his chest and looks around, there were shops to his left and an abandoned park to his right, there was a slide and a hide tunnel with monkey bars and a wooden platform with a pile and a Tiktactoe play bored. Loki chest slowly started getting to a regular rhythm and he could finally breathe. He move his hand up and wiped the sweat away from his face, 'I could hide in the tunnel till morning' Loki thought to himself, he pulled himself up on his noodle legs and maked his way to the tunnel.

~secrets~ (loki and the Avengers story) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now