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The morning came by so slowly for steve, he just couldn't sleep after finding out what happened to Loki. He moved his hand up to his chest where lokis head was laying, the sun was shining through the half open blinds and seeping into the room lighting it up a little. Steve gently ran his hand though lokis hair and whispering good morning to him, loki stirred awake he set up stretching his arms above his head then letting a yawn. Steve set up soon after and gave loki a small tap to show he was there, loki looked over though sleepy eyes. They were still red from crying Himself to sleep last night, as loki looked over he couldn't help but blush from embarrassment. He was no longer little and felt like a god wouldn't go around sleeping with his friends, "h-hi" loki whispered, "hi bubby" Steve said cheerfully back. Loki moved his hands to his thighs, he let out a gasp and turned red as he felt the puffy nappy on him. He had completely forgot about it, Steve looked over confused then looked down to where lokis hands were. "Oh are you wet?" Steve questioned, loki quickly turned to Steve glaring at him "what no, I'm a god I don't wet the bed" he growled. "Calm down I was just asking" Steve said crossing his arms not having it with the attitude, loki also crossed his arms and stared ahead angrily. Steve sighed and pulled himself up from the bed and onto his feet, "I think we're going shopping later so put something comfy on to go out ok?" Steve said. Loki didn't look up he just nodded slowly and rolled his eyes, Steve mumbled something loki couldn't hear and walked out the room. Loki let a small whine somewhat wanting Steve to say with him but he pushed it off as a weird cough, loki kicked the covers off and slid off the bed. He looked down his lower belly was extended slightly, he let a small groan as he pushed it and a sudden wave of desperation hit him. He quickly ran (waddle ran, cause how easy is it gonna be to run in a puffy nappy?) to the closet pulling out a green shirt with the five nights at Freddy's logo on it. (have y'all watched the movie it was good!) He also grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants to cover up the large nappy, then took off to the bathroom. He slammed the bathroom door not even meaning to, he pulled his pants down and fiddled with nappy straps.. But he stopped 'how do I put it back on when I take it off, I'm sure they'll come to see if I'm still wearing it, wouldn't they?' Loki thought to himself. 'I dont wanna get in trouble' he whined, he pulled his pants off the rest of the way and put the new ones on. He slided the shirt over his arms and off his body throwing it into the dirty laundry basket and putting on the new one on as well, he took a deep breath in and walked out the bathroom, he walked down the stairs very slowly because every time he stepped down he would leak and it would take everything just to stop himself from completely wetting himself. Loki turned the corner and made his way into the kitchen he pulled out a chair and climbed into it scooting it forward so he could reach the table. "Hello" Loki said smiling, as Tony looked up from where he was eating. "Hi" Tony replied though a mouthful of cereal, "do you want cereal to brother" Thor asked from where he was standing near the stove. Loki thought for a minute before nodding then saying a yes please, Thor reached over opening the cabinet and taking out a small bowl putting it on the table. He closed the cabinet and grabbed the cereal that was onto of the fridge, "all we have is coco puffs" Thor said. "That's ok" Loki replied as he tried crossing his legs, Thor opened the box and poured some cereal into the bowl. "Milk?" "No", Thor put the cereal back up ontop of the fridge then grabbed the bowl putting it in front of Loki. " thank you" Loki said happily, he only managed a few bites before his bladder gave out and completely soaked his nappy, Loki paniced and looked down only to find there was no wet spot forming and the nappy soaked up all of it. "Loki?" Loki head shot up, "you good" asked Tony. "Yes perfectly fine, just dropped some coco puffs" Loki gave a small smile hoping it was convincing. "K" Tony replied taking the last bite of his cereal, Loki let out a sigh before finishing his.

*few hours later*

Loki whined as the wet nappy rudded against him, it was beganing to become painful but he wasn't gonna tell them that, how embarrassing would it be to tell them a god like him wet himself and needed to be changed like a pathetic infant. Loki hadn't moved from the table since breakfast and that had been hours before and the other were getting suspicious, usually he would go into the living room and watch TV or go back to his room but staying at the table was weird. But they couldn't think about it long because it was time to go shopping, "Loki we have to go shopping now" Steve said walking into the kitchen. "Oh ok" Loki said with a weird look on his face, "are you ok?" Steve asked. "Um ya I'm fine" 'it's not like my lower half is in pain' Loki thought."okay if you say so" Steve replied, he wasn't gonna push Loki to tell him whats wrong. Steve walked out of the kitchen and into the living room leaving Loki to deal with trying to get up, Loki slowly pushed his chair out and stood up. The cold urine rolled down his thighs, he looked down again but there were no stains. He let out a breath of relief, and carefully waddled his way to the living room, "why are you walking like that" Thor asked after taking noticed. Loki paniced and looked around thinking for answers "he's not used to the nappy I put on him last night that's probably why" Steve replied saving the day. Loki nodded to steves statement as if it was true, Tony stood up from his chair and headed to the front door "alright enough talking, we need to get this done" he griped. "Coming!" Thor said happily following after Tony, Steve also followed while Loki tried to grow enough confidence to walk normally. "Loki come on!" Tony shouted, "coming!" Loki shouted back. He took on normalish step then another in till he made it to the car, he set down shivering at how cold the urine was, but it also burned which made Loki whimper. He moved his gaze to look out the window and ignore the growing pain he was feeling, once they made it to the Walmart. It took about 5 whole minutes for Loki to get out the car then other 5 minutes to get into the store, "Thor watch him this time last time steve didn't do a good job" Tony said giving Steve a death glare, Steve looked away sheepishly and headed to get a cart. "Got it!" Thor yelled making Tony speed walk away, "how about we look at toys?" Thor asked. Loki nodded looking down at the dirty and muddy floor, the pain was getting to him, he could feel sharp and stabbing pain in his lower regions and it burned so bad, he just wanted to cry but if he did Thor would ask what's wrong and he would have to explain that he wet himself. He just couldn't bring himself to hurt his pride like that, Thor took lokis hand and pulled him along to the toy section. They stayed there for awhile looking at all the cool toys in till they got to the bluey section, Loki seemed to be in heaven. He grabbed almost every toy showing Thor who which character was and what dog breed they were, but Thor didn't go a past lokis constant wigging and pulling of the bottom of his shirt. "Do you have to go potty brother?" Thor questioned, Loki immediately stopped and blushed a bright red, "shut up!, why would you asked that so loud" Loki whispered yelled. "Well do you?" Thor whispered back, Loki shook his head violently, Thor felt like he was lying but he didn't want Loki to make a scene. But truth be told Loki did have to go he had to go in the car but he ignored it till it couldn't be ignored, he put back the bluey 4 pack family set and waited till Thor turned his back slipping away into a few aisles.
(how do you spell bro 😭😭) he made sure there were no people in the aisle he needed privacy. He was making a rash decision to use the nappy, he thought that since it didn't overflow last time it wouldn't this time, but stupid Loki didn't seem to think it didn't overflow because it wasn't already used. Loki took a deep breath and let a small stream out to test the water, but it didn't last long because soon after a heavy and powerful stream started. Loki let out a reliefed sigh before stopping and as sharp burning pains went through all his lower half and he was getting wet, no this wasn't right why was he getting wet. He looked down with teary eyes as the nappy overflowed making a clear wet stain then running down his legs and making a puddle on the floor. He let out a choked sob as he became wetter and wetter and the burning became stronger, "Loki!" Thor shouted turning a aisle spotting him. "Loki you can't ju-" he yelled before stopping and staring at the sobbing and wet Loki, "oh" Thor said. "Um stay here I'm getting steve, he's better at this then me" Thor said panicky as he turned and bolted to find steve. Loki just continue to sob and even harder as people took on and started staring, Steve soon came rushing over and stood in front of Loki. He had a diaper bag in his hands that he must of got from the car, Loki cried and clinged onto Steve. "Shh shh it's ok, let's go get you changed" Steve said grabbing lokis hand, Loki whined but letting go of Steve and taking his Steves hand. Loki kept his head down blushing crazy as people stared and whispered about him, Steve pushed open the family bathroom and led Loki in. He let go of lokis hand as he turned to lock the door, "alright honey, take off your pants.. Honestly I'm surprisd you went so much it started leaking that much" Steve said turning back towards Loki who was slipping his pants off. The nappy was a dark yellow and sagging between lokis legs, Loki tried covering it but to no advil. "Oh wow" Steve commented making Loki busted out in tears, "shh it's ok, I'm just impressed this was one pee" steve said trying to calm Loki down. "I-it wasn't just one I went twice" Loki balled out, "what!" Steve yelled. "Loki that's extremely unhealthy you could get a rash or a bacteria infection!" Steve said angrily crossing his arms. "I-im i-im" Loki stuttered, Steve sighed "it's fine" Steve crotched down unzipping the diaper bag and pulling out a Winnie the pooh lay mat out setting it on the floor. "Lay down" Loki did as he was told and layed down on the mat. Loki moved his finger up biting it softly, steve pulled out a new nappy and some baby wipes setting them aside then unsticking the old nappys straps, steve gasped as he saw the redness all around Loki crotch and upper thighs. "Loki honey you have a rash" steve frowned, "sorry" he whined. Steve removed the nappy and folding it up and putting it to the side then taking a few baby wipes and running them up lokis legs and crotch area making Loki cry out in pain. "Ow!" He yelled, "I'm sorry Loki" Steve said frowning. "We're almost done ok, I'm gonna put diaper rash cream on then were done" steve replied to the sudden outburst, Steve took some of the diaper rash cream and rudded it into lokis red spots. The cream was cold and Loki enjoyed how the burning died down, Steve lifted the front of the new nappy up and put the stickys on. "Ok sit up so you can put your new pants on" Steve said with a smile, "ok" Loki replied, Loki stood up and took the pair of pants Steve had held out for him. "Can we go home now please" Loki asked after pulling his pants up. "Yes I think it would be best" Steve said as he walked over to wash his hands in the bathroom sink, after Steve washed his hand they met up back with Tony and Thor and went to check out and back to the car. "So what did we learn?" Steve questioned, "to not go twice in my nappy" Loki replied blushing a light pink. "And?" "To tell you as soon as I do go once" Loki replied again looking out the window and covering his face with his hand. "Good boy" steve said.

T^T running out of ideas to be honest..

2290 words

~secrets~ (loki and the Avengers story) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now