"its all your fault!!"

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It had been a few weeks since Loki had gotten sick, the hard core meds and constant bed rest left loki with just his thoughts. Which wasn't the best for Loki usually his thoughts would be depressing or about how his father failed him and most about his brother taking away his right be be ruler of Asgard. Loki glared at the ceiling 'how could I have let that annoying being rule over Asgard, he is nothing compared to me... NOTHING!' Loki shot up from his laying position. 'He has to go for what he did to me, I should be the ruler not him!' Loki eye glowed a light green. He was getting angry very angry, when this happened his bracelet would malfunction and stop working, Loki stood up from where he set in his bed. 'He will pay for what he's done' a evil smile creeped on his face and he headed for the bedroom door, normally about this time there was a football match on which was kinda like the game in Asgard except it wasn't a ball it was a monsters head. The goal of the game was to make it the other side of the castle if you were caught you would have to give the head to the other team and let them try, Loki was never good at it since magic wasn't allowed, even know he was smaller and more skinny then the others he still managed not to be able to hide.

Loki twisted the bedroom door knob pulling the door open, he peeked his head out 'good no ones here' Loki thought as he smiled to himself. Loki slowly tip toed down the stairs and turned the corner to the kitchen, no one was there they were all watching the game. Loki crept though the kitchen till he stopped at the knife box, he grabbed pulling it out and shoving it in his jean pocket. 'Now to make a plan' Loki turned and headed back to his room, he closed the door as softly as he could before pulling the knife from his pocket. "I gotta get this bracket off, it's not gotta let me get anywhere near Thor with a weapon" Loki mumbled. Loki put out his arm he took the knife in one hand and shoved it into the bracket slit he wiggled it around in till he heard a loud click, soon the bracket hit the floor and bounced under the bed. Loki smiled grew as he planned out how he was gonna stab Thor into a bloody mess in till he took his last breath in front of him, how he wanted him to beg for life for mercy which he would not give. Loki shoved the knife in his pocket again before opening the bedroom door, 'it's now or never... You can't back out loki' Loki thought to himself. He took a deep breath in and blew out getting ready to call Thor up, but before he could get a word out Thor walked down the hallway and stopped in front of his bedroom door. "Oh hello brother" Thor said happily "you feeling ok today?" Thor asked, every word seemed to piss Loki off more and more. "Can you come in here please" Loki asked as kindly as he could, "of course what do you need" Thor questioned as he stepped inside Loki's bedroom. Loki stepped behind Thor closeing the door Thor left open, "brother?"...." You know Thor, you took everything from me" Loki mumbled *pause* "what" Thor stepped back. "You did nothing but ruin my life, you took all of Odin's attention.. He would have chosen me if it wasn't for you" Loki walked as close as he could get to Thor, pulling the knife out before plunging it into Thor's chest he managed to get 2 more quick stabs in before Thor stumbled back. "YOU ARE NOTHING!!" Loki screamed "you are nothing but a worthless pathetic waste of space who shouldn't rule Asgard" Loki stepped forward again raising the knife to go for another blow, something he shouldn't have done. As you see Thor had no other way to defend himself then throwing hands so that's what he did, Thor threw a quick punch to Loki's face. Loki immediately fell down as he covered his face with his hand tears filled his eyes as hot sticky blood dripped from his nose. "Y-you hit me" Loki whispered pulling his hand away from his face. Thor could now see how badly he hit Loki, Loki nose was a black and purple and blood was pouring down his lips and chin making a small puddle on the carpet. Thor pushed his hand on his chest making sure the no more blood was wasted, Loki whined as tears spilled down his face. He was shocked Thor would hit him he's never hit him before, he just didn't understand it. Loki cried out as the shook wore off and the pain set in, Thor watched before seeing the abandoned knife Loki had pushed to the side after getting sucker punched in the face. Thor made a rash decision and bolted toward the knife, he reached down grabbing it then twisting the door knob to the bedroom door pulling it open and darting down the hall and stairs. Loki shot up and ran after him, he had to finish the job... He would feel so useless and a failure, Thor turned the corner to the living room "guys help please!" Thor shouted. Tony look up from the tv before gasping out in shook which caused Steve to react and look at Thor. "Oh my god what happened! " Steve yelled concern written all over his face, just then Loki turned the corner blood from his nose dripping to the ground. "GIVE ME IT NOW" Loki screamed reaching for the knife Thor had, Tony got up from where he was sitting and ran over pushing Loki to the floor. "HEY!!" Loki yelled glaring at Tony, "look what you did! You pathetic ret*rd, you are nothing but a useless villan that no one would want, that no one who care if you went off and died.." Tony turned "thor we have to get to doctor strange now!" Tont said frowning, Steve who was usually on Loki's side said nothing he just stood there staring at Thor then back to Loki after a bit he finally spoke "Loki you are nothing but a villan, you will never change even know how much help people will give you" hearing those words make Loki's heart crack into a million tiny pieces. "I-i" Loki voice cracked and new tears filled his eyes, they slipped down his face and into the hard wood floors. "Don't even Loki, you cant whine and weasel your way out of this" Tony growled, "I knew it was a bad idea to try to help you, your going straight back to Asgard" Tony mumbled as he pressed hard on Thor's wounds to try to slow the bleeding more. Lokis breath hinged and he couldn't help not having tears rush out of his eyes like rain "n-no" Loki whispered. "NO" he shouted, "I'm not going back I'll be good I promise!! I promise!!" Loki yelled as he cried out. "I promise I won't do it again I, I, was just angry, I promise I'll work on it and not hurt anyone" Loki coughed and choked out his sobs. "Please please Im sorry" Loki cried, the coughing soon turned to gagging then before any of them could do anything it turned to puking. "Aw honey" Steve said as he rushed over to help him, "are you serious he tried to kill thor!" Tony said angrily. "He's sorry he won't do it again I'll help him" Steve replied not bother to look up from loki, "no he's going back to Asgard and that's final" as Loki heard that he sobbed more. "I'm taking Thor to the hospital come if you want" Tony said as he pulled Thor to the front door, "I'll be there soon" Steve replied.

It had a couple of hours before they had gotten home and as soon as they did Loki was put into a back of a car and driven to Asgard, Loki's heart was pounding and he couldn't help crying the whole way there. He begged a few times but no one would answer, soon they were put in park and the back door opened. The two male guards that always watch Loki bath were standing there with metal arm cuffs and a zapper which is like a tazer just more powerful. "Get out" one of them ordered, Loki didn't move, he was terrified and didn't want to go with them he wanted to go home. "GET OUT OR ILL DRAG YOU OUT" one of the guards yelled, this only made more scared, but those time he listen and moved his way out. He was then roughly grabbed and his hands where put in the metal cuffs. "Say your goodbyes now, you'll never see them again" a guard said, the other one piped in "who would want to see him again anyway" the guard laughed. Loki looked at the ground trying hard not to cry he couldn't wipe his tears away if his hands were cuffed, soon he was dragged away and shoved in his old cell. Loki crawled into the corner where no cameras could see him, he pulled his knees to his chest and layed his head down before breaking into uncontrollable sobs. He just wanted to apologize and go home, why was he so angry Thor would have been a great ruler, and it wasnt his fault Odin favorited him. Loki wiped his eyes before going over to where he normally would sleep and layed down, he slowly shut his eyes and drifted off into a upsetting sleep...

Hated this chapter also I had no motivation at the end.. But I want to get another chapter out..
Words 1676

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