•Girl?• || dayrl Dixon||

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Y/n Dixon has always looked more male than female. Ever since she was young she was the taunted about it, but now that the worlds gone to shit nobody really cares about looks

Y/n's father dayrl Dixon makes sure nobody 'gives her shit bout it' but that doesn't stop people from questioning if she really is a girl considering her voice is also fairly deep


You walk away from where you were helping your dad, dayrl Dixon carry some logs for the camp, you all were setting up to stay at for the night.

You take a seat next to Rick at the fire you all had set up.

The Orange sky fading into a dark purple, the white stars and bright moon becoming visible.

"Y/n?" Rosita says
"Yea rose?" You get snapped out of your train of thoughts
"Will you come help me with this?" She motions you over to help her with some stitches Eugene needs

"Yea of course" you walk over and sit down on your knees beside her and hold Eugene's arm down
He swings his arm up hitting you in the nose when Rosita stickes the needle in

"Go damnit Eugene, you hit him!" She shouts
You snap your head up and uncover your nose that you were once covering with your hand

"Him?!" You shout
"Yea?" She looks confused
"I'm a girl asshole!" You laugh

Rick looks over at the interaction you were having with Rosita

He lifts himself off of the ground that was covered with, dead leaves he walks over to dayrl who was tending to the fire and taps his shoulder

"Brother can I talk to you?" He asks
"Yea what's up man?" He asks in his husky voice

"Nothing serious, I just want to ask you something" Rick looks to the ground
"Hit me" daryl says
"Well, I don't want to to take any offense when I ask you this but...." He pauses looking over to you
"Spit it out man!" Dayrl grunts
"Is y/n really a girl?" He tries to whisper but obviously said it loud enough for everyone to hear

"Rick!" Michonne laughs Judith rolling around in her arms

Darl looks at Rick in awe his jaw basically on the floor
"Don't ask me that again, hear me!?" He says

You stand up laughing
"D-dad it's ok" you manage to say through your laughter

You sigh standing up straight after finally catching your breath
"yes rick, I am very much female" you laugh


Thank you so much for the person who requested this! I hope I wrote what you asked!

Thank you for reading


504 words!

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