•lost [part 2]•||Carl grimes||

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Y/n as been with the citizens in Alexandria for about two weeks now

She's gained friendships
One is a bit more strong than the others


Y/n is happy now.
She's finally found her people.

"Y/n you ok?" Carl asks y/n from their spot on the ground
"Yea yea im fine... This comic is shit" she lays it on the ground beside her crunching the dead leaves in the process

"You only read like two words" Carl groans
"no I read like an entire page" y/n laughs

Carl nods sarcastically
"Asshole" he mummbles
"What was that?" Y/n teases
"You Heard me" he laughs
"Oh yea" she grunts
"Yea" he mocks

They go silent
Y/n jumps over on top of him tackling in to the ground
"HEY" Carl laughs
"Hays for horse's dumbass" y/n laughs

Carl flips them over pinning her to the ground holding her arms to both sides of her head
"You don't trust me one bit huh?" Y/n quotes Carl
"Shut up" he rolls his eyes and laughs before throwing his back to the log once again

Y/n sits up groaning
"I'm literally a teenager I should not be having back pain" she complains
"Old lady" Carl mocks
"Haha" y/n says picking the sticks out of her hair

Carl admires her curseing himself for feeling this way about a girl he just met two weeks ago

"Stop gawking" she chuckles
"Uh what? No-no im not" Carl starts
"Don't sweat it, I know I'm hot" y/n does a sarcastic hair flip
"Sure" Carl drags the e out

"We should get bac-" y/n starts
"Wait" Carl puts his hand over her mouth looking around
y/n looks at Carl's eyes gasing around the Forest

The dead roamers come from behind a bush

"Over here" she motions to the hollow tree and stands up running over to it packing herself inside Carl coming in after her

He looks down at the girl looking up to him through her dark eyelashes
"Hey" she says
"Hey.." he breaths

Their hot breath mixing
Their hands almost touching and there body's pressed against each other

Carl looks away quickly
Y/n looks at him admiring his tight jawline
"Is their world." She pauses
"We're just living in it" she wispers in his ear

-time skip brought to you by grimbily gunk-

Y/n and Carl hop over the wall earning looks from the citizens
"Nothing to see here go along with your day" y/n shouts

They all scurry away quickly
"Your evil" Carl chuckles
Y/n laugh's

"What were you two doing over the wall?" Rick walks up
"Uhhh" Carl studders
"We were reading comics and got help up by some walkers" y/n says truthfully glancing over to Carl giving him and apologetic smile

"Well I'm glad to see you two are getting along finally, but.. no leaving the walls without permission understand" Rick scolds
Carl nods
"Yes sir, will do" y/n nods

Rick walks away and Carl relaxes his once tense muscles

"Calm down sheriff I solved the case" y/n laughs
"Shut up" he rolls his eyes and pushes her forwards so she starts walking

She watches as his brown hair blows in the wind and his arms limply lay at his sides

When she looked at him she knew that it agony was over. Her life was finally at peace



This is a shitty ending to this imagine but you get the point

Carl meets a hopeless girl and gives her hope, they end up falling in love 🤷‍♀️

433 words ^⁠_⁠^

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