•bookworm• ||c.grimes||

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Y/f/b- your fav book

Y/n was what you would call, a total nerd. I wouldn't go far enough to call her a Eugene-type nerd because she's not utterly ridiculous but she's smart. She spends most of her free time reading to leave the horrible events of the current shit-show life she possesses. There aren't many ways to exactly cope with the end of the fucking world so she does as she must.

She's not close with anyone in the group except her dad Daryl, and Michonne. You might even go far enough to say she hates some people in the group, At least ONE person. She hates how he just walks around with his friends prancing all over Alexandria acting like all of the shit we went through trying to get to a place to settle down was just nothing. Carl dislikes her too, he has called her "weirdo book freak" on multiple occasions to impress his friends.


"Y/n?" Daryl says as he knocks on her door before just walking in not giving her much time to reply. She looks up from her spot on the floor that she occupied on the floor. "You have to take an extra guard shift, Maggie's out with the baby for a while". Daryl gave her a slight apologetic smile

"Okay, Dad what shift is it?" She says looking back down at the pile of books. "Third, so in about an hour," he said before closing the door to let her read.

She sighed and set the book in her hands down before standing up and walking to her closet to grab a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt, "it shouldn't be too cold tonight" she thought to herself lazily putting the clothes on, grabbing a worn out bag from beside her nightstand and throwing some books into it.

"It's going to be night time so let's just hope the lamps are on" she mumbled before exiting her house and making her way to one of the guard towers. She tossed her bag up and climbed the ladder focusing on not falling she didn't notice that someone was already up there.

She locked eyes with Carl as he grabbed a book out of her bag Examining it. "Why do you read this bullshit?" He said with a scowl on his face. She stood upright and took it from his hands "Why don't you?" She said before grabbing her bag and taking a seat in one of the two chairs.

"Did your dad make you come because of Maggie too?" He said harshly before sitting down as well. She nodded.

They sat there silently as she pulled a book out of her bag and began reading. "What are you reading anyway?" He asked less harshly and she rolled her eyes wishing he would just leave her alone "y/f/b" she said softly

They continued to sit in uncomfortable silence before y/n spoke up "It's freezing out here" she said quietly gripping her firearm beside her laying it on the ground and pulling her arms in her sleeve. "Did you not be a jacket dumbass?" Carl slightly chuckled at her stupidity.

"No." She said blankly and stared straight ahead of herself in Embarrassment. Carl tapped her and she looked over at him as he held his jacket out to her "Bring one next time" he said softly before tossing it into her lap.

She put the jacket on without a second thought "Won't you be cold? " she asked and he shushed her "I'll be fine" he said before looking ahead of him

"Thanks," she said softly before beginning to read again. "Mhm, just bring a jacket next time." He said harshly as he cleaned his gun.

It was a kind gesture for sure but the fact that he could not manage to just be kind and had to add his bitchy remarks instead irritated her greatly. All though as said it was kind at the very least.

His eyes focused on the object in front of him his fingers working swiftly as he took apart the firearm his eyebrows furrowed and his top teeth rested lazily on his bottom lip in concentration.

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