•See me• ||michonne Grimes||

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y/n Dixon never felt loved by her father dayrl
Y/n's mother is Korean, dayrl knocked her up and she died during child birth dayrl never knew how to parent,
Well he didn't know how to parent y/n

Dayrl has bonded more with Ricks kid Judith more than he ever did with y/n she knows he cares more for Judith then her, but sometimes she wishes he would just love her they way he loves Judith

Michonne is y/n's best friend and notices how this is effecting y/n's mood


Y/n turns the corner of the tall metal Alexandria walls she stands Infront of the gate waiting for it to open

The gate gets slung open by her father dayrl Dixon "hey dad!" Y/n smiles wildly happy to see her father
"Hey y/n" dayrl smiles at her

She walks forward and hugs dayrl he reluctantly hugs her back
"How was your trip" he asks
"It was good I fixed the satellite that was makeing the radio lag" she smiles and raises her head looking at his facial expressions for some sort of approveal

He face stays blank
She pulls her eyes away from his face a wave of sorrow flooding over her

All she wants is for him to be proud.

"I uh have to watch Judith today at the common wealth party" he nods
"What? Dad you said we would go and spend time together" y/n scoffs

"You can come with me and Judith" he smiles "does she have to go with us? Why can't she stick with Carl?" Y/n sighs

"Stop being like this" he rolls his eyes
"Whatever I'll ride over with the grimes" y/n throws the gift that she had picked up for her father at his feet

"What-" Daryl starts but y/n walks away tears fighting at her eyes

Y/n walks into her house lazily getting dressed and fixing her hair to the best her ability

Y/n walks into her house lazily getting dressed and fixing her hair to the best her ability

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      (Y/n's dress |you can change it|)

Y/n walks out of the house and walks over to the carriage

"Hello Rick" she nods towards him
"Hey! I heard your rideing with us" he nods

"Yep, thank you for allowing me to"    y/n smiles
"Of course you can sit in the back with Judith" he motions to Judith in a light pink poofy dress

Y/n clenches her jaw shut and balls her fist up at her sides turning her knuckles white

"Yes sir, thank you" y/n says politely
She takes a seat in the makeshift carriage beside Judith avoiding eye contact

-at the common wealth-

The carriage pulls in y/n steps out of the carriage by herself dayrl walks up and reaches his hand out for Judith to step out

Y/n stands there dumfounded before snapping out of it and walking up the long staircase leading to the "ball room"

Common wealth did this shitty ball once every year to celebrate 'creating a new world' but in reality it's just so all of the fragile citizens don't find out the truth about this fucked up thing we call earth

Y/n steps in looking around at the fancy room filled with people enjoying the music and food

She walks over to her father happily
"Hey dad! Can we dance?" She smiles and reaches a hand out

"Not right now doll I told Judith I would dance with her" he motions to the small girl he's holding hands with

Y/n scoffs and takes a seat watching Judith and her dad smile and laugh dancing around

Tears form in her eyes and her expired mascara runs down her face
She continues to stare I untill Judith looks at her "y/n!" She motions her to come and dance with them

Y/n rolls her eyes and storms out of the building taking a seat on the long staircase "honey are you ok?" Michonne walks up behind her and takes a seat

"Why doesn't he care" y/n sobs the warm tears falling down her pink face
"He does he just... Doesn't know how to show it"she sighs hugging y/n and letting her sobb into her chest

"But he cares for judith more than me" y/n looks at the ground
"I care for you" michonne lets a weak smile spread across her lips

"Thank you michonne" y/n smiles hugging michonne



I got lazy writing tho so I really don't like it🤷‍♀️

Thank you to the person who requested this 💋
I hope you liked it

813 words!

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