•Lost• ||Carl grimes||

805 6 1

-fluff, angst-

y/h/c - your hair color
Y/l/n- your last name


Lost y/n is lost.
She's been on her own since the fall.
Interacting with nothing and no one.
She knows where she's heading, but has no idea how she's going to get there

Y/n wants out. Y/n wants it all to just stop. For all of the anguish and suffering to be over.
She does not want to keep living in a dead world

Atleast that was untill she found him.
The reason for her living
The root of her happiness
Even when in a loud room she takes a single glace at him and her loud mind runs quiet


Y/n sits on top of the semi truck eating the bag of chips she found in the glove box

Her y/h/c hair tied into a lose ponytail her baby hairs stuck to her forehead due to the sweat

She looks at the cracked road with weeds growing through every once empty crease the dead corpses carrying their lifeless body's across the street groaning a searching for their next meal

She jumps quickly reaching for her gun when she hears a slam on the side of the metal storage compartment attached to the truck

She sighs at herself and lays back looking at the white clouds blending into the sky moving slowly as the bright sun gleams into her eyes causing her to sqint and cover her eyes with her hands

"Dad I told you im not going to" she hears a voice faid in from the distance

She backs up and cocks her gun as the guy and what seemed to be his father approached the semi truck

She slowly moved her body down the front windshield avoiding any unnecessary movement or sound

A burning sensation shot up her legs when she landed on the pavement makeing a louder nose than she expected

"Is someone there!?" The older man shouts
"Dad sh sh I see something" the man with a hat on his head wispers

He turns the corner his gun held Infront of him he quickly looked down at the girl sitting on the floor Infront of the truck her gun held up to him

"All I have is a bag of chips" y/n throws it at him making the chips fly everywhere
"We don't want your stuff" the man standing behind the boy says

"Then what the hell do you want!?"
Y/n shouts

"Hey, hey calm down.. where's your group" the dad asks
Y/n scoffs
He tilts his head to the side
"Where are they?" He asks again

"You really don't take a hint do you?..
I don't have a godamn group I move from place to place asshole. I survive." Y/n says tears brimming in her eyes

"How old are you?" He asks a sincere look on his face

"I don't think that I'm obliged to tell you that information" y/n says sarcastically

He nods and looks at the ground shaking his head
"Look I don't want no trouble... Im Rick" he reaches his hand out to the girl still sitting on the concrete

The girl looks up at him through her long eyelashes "fuck it" she mummbles

"I'm y/n.. y/n y/l/n" she reaches her hand up cautiously shaking ricks hand
"This is my son" he points behind him at the man in the sheriff's hat and white bandage covering on of his eyes

"You a cowboy pirate or sumthin?"
Y/n jokes, he chuckles shaking his head "I'm Carl, Carl grimes" he walks forward and reaches his hand out but instead of shakeing her hand he pulls her to her feet makeing her gun fall to the ground

"Really asshole?" She reaches down and grabs the gun quickly
"If you come back to our community we have to temporarily confiscate that" Rick says

"Yea sorry big guy I don't plan on sticking around that long" y/n looks down
"He we get it you move from place to place but you can settle down with us" Rick says

"No dumbass.. I don't plan on living that long" she says quietly

The two men didn't know she planned to blow her brains out after eating that bag of chips that she just tossed on the floor

"Are you bit?" Rick asks
Y/n scoffs and shakes her head laughing in frustration
"You REALLY don't take a hint" she sighs

"I don't get it?" "Are you bit?" He asks again
"No asshole you see this little firearm right here?" She holds it up and twists it around
"Yea! I'm gonna blow my brains out with it" she says blankly

Ricks face drops and his eyes go from shocked to.. worried?

Carl steps forwards and snatches the gun
"Hey cowboy give that back" she barks
"Yea... No" Carl grunts

"You guys dont even know me" she says
"Your with us now." Rick says

-at Alexandria 🧟‍♀️-

They walk into the big metal doors earning looks from everyone
"You should have let me keep me gun" y/n says in a sarcastic pirate accent

Carl laughs
"Just letting you know this was dad's idea. I don't trust you one bit" he says nodding slowly
"Yippie." Y/n says blankly



I know my break wasn't even two days but I missed writing

This is part one so part two should be out soon❤️

962 words!


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