•I love you•||dayrl Dixon||

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-fluff, mild smut-

Y/n is madly in love with dayrl, Her best friend.
She thought she was ready to explain her feelings to him. Boy was she absolutely wrong


Y/n sits at her desk, white crumpled papers everywhere. She was planning to confess her love to dayrl over a letter but decided it was to
"teenage dramatic".

She runs her fingers through her hair sighing. Her desk was placed at the window and she was upstairs so she could see the gate. The gate opens and the RV rolls in a blue car and Daryl's motorcycle coming in last.

Y/n's eyes widen and a smile spreads across her face.

Dayrl has recently gone on a run and they've been gone for a week or two. Y/n jumps up from her seat and runs outside quickly makeing her way to the gate. She can see everyone greeting there family as she approaches the RV.

She looks around not seeing dayrl anywhere. Her face drops "Rick!?" She calls and walks up to him. "Y/n what's wrong?" He asks. "Where's dayrl?!? What happened to him?" She asks frantically. A smile is plastered on ricks face "what the hell why are you smiling?" She asks "y/n behind you" he laughs. Y/n turns around to she dayrl trying his damn best not to laugh. "DAYRL!" she shouts and runs up to him jumping in his arms and burrying her head in the crook of his neck.

"Ya miss me?" He chuckles y/n backs away to look at him. She nods and looks into his eyes "I missed you."
She clears her throat and releases her arms from around him. And steps back "find anything good?" She asks
"Few things to fix the solar panels, some food and..." He pauses
"And what?" Y/n asks excitedly.
He pulls his back pack off of his back and pulls out a few candy bars along with a bottle of shampoo. "Omg!" Y/n reaches forwards and takes the stuff from his hand jumping up and down "I could kiss you!" She laughs. Her face drops and she looks up to dayrl smiling.

"Thank you" she corrects herself
"Welcome" he laughs and pulls her into a side hug. "Actually I was thinking about having a few people over for dinner tonight, you should come" y/n smiles at him. "Wouldn't miss it" he smiles down at her.

"Dayrl give me a hand over here?" Rick asks "yea gimmie a sec" he nods.
He looks back down at y/n "I'll see you later ok?" He asks, she nods and he walks over helps Rick with the bags.

-time skip-

Y/n wipes her forehead the steam from the pot fogging her windows.
She hears a knock on her door and runs over opening it swiftly, carol stands there with a salad bowl in her hands. "I'm so glad your here" y/n pulls her to the kitchen "what the hell do I do" y/n chuckles. "Oh dear" carol laugh's and does her magic with the food.

"Just make sure there's no onions" y/n smiles "dayrl doesn't like those" she finishes. Carol looks over to her with a grin "someone likes Daryl" she teases. "No, well..." Y/n starts
"you do!" Carol gasps "shh, he's way out of my league and he's my best friend" y/n sighs.

"Don't worry, I have the feeling he feels the same way" carol laughs. Y/n rolls her eyes. Most of everyone has arrived now, everyone except for dayrl. Y/n was starting to worry he wouldn't show untill she heard a knock on the door. She gets up from her seat and runs to the door, a smile plastered on her face. She swings the door open and sees dayrl, With Leah.

(I know she never came back to Alexandria but it was her or Connie so please act like they brought her back to Alexandria and made her a citizen after dayrl met her and she never joined the other group 🙏🏻)

"Hey dayrl" y/n smiles in disappointment
"Hey I hope you don't mind I brought a guest" he smiles.
"No I don't mind at at, the more the marrier" y/n lies.
She steps to the side and the two walk in. Everyone sits at the table, y/n sitting in between dayrl and Rick Leah on the other side of dayrl.

Everyone begins eating and conversateing. Y/n pokes at her food and takes a bite. "This doesn't have onions does it?" Dayrl asks carol
"Thanks to y/n it doesn't" she smiles winking at y/n.

Dayrl looks at her smiling. "You remembered" he whispers y/n nods.

-after the dinner-

After everyone exited the house y/n lays on the couch looking at the roof
"I have to tell him." Y/n stands up slipping her shoes on she swings her front door open and is greeted by rain.

She was wearing shorts and a T-shirt so it was fairly cold but she didn't care. She steps out into the rain. The cold droplets covering her skin and darkening her clothes as she runs down the pavement. Her feet repeatedly hitting the ground. Her wet hair swinging Infront of her face.

She arrives at the house and runs onto the porch with a wide smile.

This is it. I'm going to tell him

The door is opened quickly. She looks up hoping to see Daryl's face but of course Leah stands in the door frame a evil grin on her face. "Who's here?" Dayrl walks around the corner to the door and sees y/n. Her T-shirt soaked and stuck to her skin, her wet hair going anywhere it pleases. Her lips are pale from the cold and her once hopeful smile is replaced with a shocked expression. She looks... Hurt?

"Y/n what's wrong why are you-" dayrl steps forward.
"No I'm sorry this was a mistake." Y/n blurts and runs off of the porch her feet hitting the wet pavement. She's running the opposite way of her house but she doesn't seem to notice.
Dayrl starts to run after her and gets stoped by Leah's hand. "Dayrl- babe just stop she's not worth it" she says with a grin. "What the hell did u just call me? Get out of my house. Go home" he shouts and runs after her

He finally catches up to her and pulls her wrist turning her around to face him. "What the hell happened, what's wrong" he says frantically looking over her body to make sure she's not hurt. "Do you like her?" Y/n sobs her tears not noticable because of the rain. "What? Is that what this is about? No y/n I don't like her, why are you so worked up over this?" He asks
"Because dayrl." She pauses "I love you" she shouts

"Im sorry that's stupid. I know this ruins everything why didn't I jus-" she's cut off by Daryl's lips coming in contact with hers. He brings his hands to cup her cheeks (no he's not palming her like a basketball.)

He pulls away from the kiss and looks her in the eyes. "I love you to." Y/n's face is covered with a smile as he connects their lips once more. He lifts her up and she wraps her legs around him.

They make there way back to his house and push into the door y/n slamming it behind them. Dayrl puts her down and pins her against the wall placing his lips on her neck.

"Fuck" she sighs as he grips her left breast. "Mm you like that?" He grunts
She nods quickly and he picks her up again quickly shuffling up the stairs.

He throws her on the bed
"Let me show you how much I love you." He says blankly





PART TWO COMES OUT WHEN WE HIT 4 VOTES!  (part two is the smut scene)

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