Short Story: Morning Class

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leo hated his morning class

never mind that it was his least favourite subject (english), honestly he could deal with if the class wasn't taught by my garrsion; still boggled his mind how this crazy fuck amend to keep his teaching degree with all the shit he's pulled over the years but then again this was south park so should he really be shocked?! and his hatred with him wasn't uncommon, every single kid in the damn school despised that man to their very core, if he didn't need the credit to graduate he would've slept in every single morning, kenny made it barely to sit through

it was an english class but for some reason mr garrsion confused his job with therapist sessions; the amount of times he would spill about his disgusting sex life and his relationship issues with his "ricky-bear" made him want to vomit, thank god the class work itself was easy and he didn't need to soley relay on the teacher's help

today was no different, leo ended up being 6 minutes late because of home issues; his dad was bitching to him about messing up the organization in the pantry even though they both knew he didn't eat their food anymore because he wasn't allowed too, it almost got physical when stephen tossed a box of cookies at leo's feet but just when he was about to smack him his mom begged them to stop and ushered leo out of the house; he screamed profanities at his dad the whole time and told him to go fuck himself before slamming the door in their faces

mr garrison wasn't pleased and bitched at him for being tardy, leo just rolled his eyes and sat in the back next to kenny before discreetly plopping a headphone in

"what did i miss?"

"he's rambling about his sex life again"

he didn't eat breakfast but he felt nausea in the stomach

"i didn't wake up at the ass-crack of dawn to hear him talk about his micro-dick"

his boyfreind snorted into his hand to muffle the sounds as best as he could

Mr garrsion put his bag down beside his desk as he pulled up the stool from the corner of the room, the rest of the class mentally groaned as they all slumped against their seats as my garrsion continued with his lecture, as time went on the students slowly began to do their own thing, a few of them started sleeping; sneakily on their phones, catching up on actual work from different classes, quietly chatting among themselves; basically doing anything but listening to the lecture

Kenny was doodling in his notebook while leo was listening to his music, with his black leather boots up on the desk

"and then after we fought he had me sleep on the cou--excuse me leo!!"

he sighed and discreetly paused his music


"put your feet down on the ground!! that is school property!"

he rolled his eyes but flopped his feet back to the floor

"and i see that wire hanging around your ear!!, what are you doing listening to music when i'm trying to teach a very important lecture to the class!!"

"you bitching about your relationship issues is not an important lecture! and i'm not even bothering anyone so fuck off!"

normally leo would've just rolled his eyes and pretended to apologize for the sake of not wanting to get detention but he was already in a horrible mood from this morning and he didn't get much sleep last night because of his parents arguing about his dad's infidelity; so he wasn't to keen on being yelled at today 

"hey you can't talk to me like that in my own classroom!!"

"well i just fucking did so deal with it!"

his teacher was becoming more agitiated, students in the room stared at him a bit taken aback but he hardly cared

"you watch that attitude of yours with me young man!, this isn't your first time acting out in my classroom"

"all i was doing was listening to my music!!, your the one who's making it an issue!!"

"it's still highly disrespectful to me and my time when i'm up here trying to teach!"

"you think anybody else here is listening to you?!"

he sat up in his seat and proceeded to point at various students in the room

"kevin and jake are in the back sleeping, jake's fucking ass even brought a pillow just to nap!!, stan and kyle are over their playing games on their phones and secretly putting them away  whenever your looking!!, bebe and wendy are texting each other talking shit about their fake ass friends spreading gossip and shit!!, craig is secretly flipping you off when your back is turned to the chalk board!!, tolkien's doing science homework!! clyde's spacing out not paying attention to shit!! fatfuck is over their stuffing his face with cheezy poofs!!—"


"and samantha is over there on face time with her ugly-ass boyfriend!!"

"fuck you asshole!! my boyfriend isn't ugly!!"

"shut the fuck up samamtha we both know your only dating him cause his mom is a hairstylist and she gives you discounts at the salon!!"

other students either laughed or gave leo harsh looks at being called out, mr garrison could only stare; his mouth slightly ajar in disbelief

"leo! I am so sick of your attitude and disrespect!! you used to be such a respectable and sweet student, what happened to that?!"

that trigged him beyond anything, he hated hearing people say that to him; "what happend to you" "you used to be alot more fun", yeah he bet he was fun to have around; to be a little slave and pressured into doing whatever people wanted to do; butters was lonely, abused, manipulated, bullied and mistreated all his fucking life, he can't even look back on his childhood with fondness because all he remembers is pain and trauma! there was only one person in this world who got to have that closed off side of him, everybody else could go fuck themselves

"what happened is that I got tired of you and everyone else's bullshit!!!"

"well i missed butters—"


his voice echoed across the room, some people flinched in their seats but he didn't care, mr garrsion looked at him as if he was about to pop


in a fit of frustration he tossed his ruler to the ground and kicked open his classroom door


"thank god!!"

he grabbed his bag and started heading out the door

"and before I go I just wanna say that I hope your boyfriend cheats on you!! and you can take that wooden ruler and shove it right up your ass!!"

he flipped him the bird as he screamed at him to go to the office which he didn't go to; instead hiding out in the empty music room playing random piano melodies until lunch time

"leo dude why did you call us out like that man"

his response was an annoyed grunt before flopping his tray of food next to kenny's

"fuck off clyde i'm not in the mood"

craig held up his hands in a defensive pose

"geez what crawled up your ass and died?"

he gave him a deadpan stare with a middle finger to his face before stabbing a tater tot with his plastic fork

graduation could not come sooner

South Park "Rebellious" Short Stories (Mostly Bunny) REWRITING/EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now