Short Story: First Day Of School

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he sighed and stared at the building in front ot him

south park high-school, a place leo would be attending for the next 4 years of his life before finally moving out of this hellhole 

in all honestly he wasn't looking forward to this, the first day of school was always nerve-wracking and he knew for a fact all eyes were going to be on him, espically with his new change

last summer leo spent those 3 months working on himself to be less lenient and timid, it was a very lonely time for him but he didn't mind, the results of his transformation were worth it and he had kenny by his side through it all

he stared at the building for a long time, debating on whether or not he should skip and come tomorrow instead, but figured that it be better to get it over with now; why avoid the inevitable?. people were gonna stare and ask him questions regardless if he were to show up today or tomorrow so he might as well get it other with now

so with a heavy sigh, he braced himself for the worst and headed inside

as soon as he walked through the school doors, almost everyone turned their heads to stare at him, their faces puzzled 

"who's that?"

"i don't know, I've never seen him before"

"is he new?"

"i guess, but i haven't heard of anyone moving into town"

he didn't give them the time of day, they would find out who he was eventually when they took attendance in class but even in the hallways he could feel the attention being solely focused on him, it made him uncomfortable but he plopped in his headphones and tried to ignore them

"who do we have again?"

stan frowned looking at his schedule, he had hoped that highschool would be different from elementary, but that hope was slowly dying when he realized who their morning teacher was

"Mr garrsion"

the three boys shared a groan

"oh course we would get cursed with him"

"i thought he taught elementary, why is he even here?!"

kyle opened his mouth to respond, but his attention was turned to the "new kid" walking passed them in the hallways

from the corner of his eye he caught both stan and kyle staring at him and kenny playing on his phone, the only person here who wasn't surprised by his sudden appearance because he was with him during the entire process 

"whoa, who's the new kid"

"i don't know, I didn't even know someone moved to town"

kenny chuckled, catching both of their attention

"what's so funny?"

"dude that's leo"

they blinked at him 


"leopold stotch, y'know, from 4th grade"

again, they blinked at him

"hold on--are you talking about butters?!"

"he doesn't like being called that anymore, he prefers his legal name now"

they looked at him before staring back at the "supposed"  butters, or leo, they tried looking for some sort of resemblance

for one, this new kid was decked in punk, teal blue mock neck sleeves shirt that was topped with a black un-zipped sweater, a bisexual heart stitched onto his sleeve, black ripped jeans, black combat boots with black piercings and teal blue highlights, butters dressed more plain and colourful, his parents were unbearably strict and homophobic, they would never allow their son to dress like that

South Park "Rebellious" Short Stories (Mostly Bunny) REWRITING/EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now