Short Story: Parent-Teacher Conference Of Hell

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parent-teacher conference day, aka, hell on earth for many of the students in South Park High

In south park there is one thing that everyone knew, the adults in this town were the most hypocritical, closed-minded idiotic assholes you could ever meet; especially the parents 

leo had been dreading this day, the night before he called his boyfriend to vent, kenny being the gem he was sat and patiently listened to his boyfriend letting him get everything out of his system, it didn't change how shitty the situation was but he felt a lot better getting it out in the open

and poor him too, his parents were raging alcoholics and there was no doubt they would attend the interview stoned out of their minds; they'd done it several times in the past and yet somehow that was still tamer compared the shitshow that happens between stan and his dad; a whole can of worms right their 

leo normally walked or bused to school but his dad insisted that they ride together for the interview; mostly likely to not have people question why his son was going to school on foot and not with his dad in the car

the car ride would only take roughly 10-15 minutes, those 10 minutes felt like 10 layers of hell, throughout the entire car ride his dad kept railing into him for the smallest of things; making jabs at his punk aesthetic, his behavioural problems, how irresponsible and ungrateful he was for everything they have done for him, the same usual bullshit  

before even getting into the car leo secretly wore his earpods so he would have something bearable to listen to but not even his music could drown out his rant and eventually leo had enough

"oh my fucking god!, can you just shut the fuck up already?!, you've been talking non-stop since we sat in this damn car!!"

"don't you dare raise your voice at me young man!!, i am your father and once we get to that damn school you are going to be obedient and act accordingly!!" 

he huffed looking back to the road

"it's the least you could do after making an embarrassment of our family"

"oh please you embarrass yourself enough on the daily without me!!"

he saw his dad giving him a nasty look before turning his attention to the road, once they arrived at the school parking lot his dad started up again

"now you listen to me very clearly young man, I don't want any kind of disrespectful attitude, no back-talking, no swearing, no lousy manners and if you even try to break those rules!! your ass is getting a grounding of a lifetime!! do you understand me?!"

he rolled his eyes at him and slammed the car door on his way out knowing that would tic off his dad, he smirked a bit seeing his dad losing his shit in the car; hitting the steering wheel and seat before taking in a deep breath and calmly opening his door

some parents were either chatting with their kids or with other families; they looked relevant happy and then you got the crazy ones that have their heads too far shoved up their asses to see the world how it was 

as they headed towards Mr garrison's classroom for his first interview he caught stan and his dad inside their shared math class, for a brief moment the two boys made eye contact, leo gave him a "i'm so sorry, I'm in the same boat" look to which stan returned, aside from kenny stan was only another person in south that could understand what it was like to have a shitty dad, he just hoped for the sake of his friend that his interview was going well; god knows his wasn't going to be 

stan had originally wanted his mother to come in for his teacher conference day but shelly's conference was the same day as his so while his sister got to have the one normal parent in their household, he got stuck with his idiot pot-head dad

South Park "Rebellious" Short Stories (Mostly Bunny) REWRITING/EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now