Short Story: Spicy Noodle Challenge

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kyle shook his head as he read over the ingredients on the back of the ramen bowl

"dude this is crazy"

while they were all hanging out at tolkien's house, clyde had suggested that they do the spicy noodle challenge he had discovered while scrolling on tiktok The challenge was self-explanatory, you try ot finish a bowl full of spicy hot noodles, if you finish it you win if you don't you lose,

kenny was the most reluctant to participate, his intolerance of spicy foods was so low he could barely handle a single bite of a takies but he was baited by clyde when he offered him 20 bucks to do it; money was money

they ventured out to the local walmart and purchased the exact same brand the influencers were using while their tolkien suggested getting dairy popsicles and milk to help lessen the spice sensation, kenny instantly grabbed at least 3 boxes of popsicles and 2 cartons of milk, it may seem dramatic but he really didn't have the stomach for spice

once they arrived back at clydes's house, clyde and stan started boiling the water and pouring them into the ramen bowls, kyle was looking up the scoville heat units on the packaging and warned them all that the sauce was about 500,000+ and indicated the skull waring on the back

kenny dreaded upon hearing the news but leo looked excited and found his boyfriends reaction to be incredibly historical

out of everyone in their friendship leo was the one who had the highest tolerance for spice, he eats jalepeons as a snack and was the only one at city wok to ever finish a plate of ghost pepper noodles, he even brings his own peppers to put into his food

"leo you had these before right?"

"their my favourite, sometimes i add extra hot sauce and peppers to give it a extra kick"

"dude it's already 500,000 over the scolive unit! how much more spice could you possibly need"

he shrugged while popping a flamming hot cheeto into his mouth, the others looked at him as if he lost his head

"do you just not feel pain or are you a mosaicist?!"

"you guys don't understand he ingests spice like it's water"

"i like spicy food sue me"

the timer dinged signalling that the noodles were ready to be mixed with the sauce and seasoning

"alright, noodles are done you guys ready?"

kenny only groaned and hid himself in the crock of leo's neck 

"i don't wanna do this..."

"you already accepted the bet dude"

"fuck man..."

"hey gaywads!!, come over here before it gets cold!"

while tolkien began to open up the ramen lid, kenny eyed the noodles with cautain, he hissed when picking up the sauce coated noodle in his chopsticks, you could tell from the sauce alone it was gonna be one hell of a kick to his mouth and stomach

"you guys I can't even handle hot cheetos, how the fuck am I gonna eat this?"

"ken stop being a pussy"

"butters i swear to god if you weren't my boyfriend i would've thrown you out the window"

"ken I'm telling you this is nothing"

"nothing?!, the noodles are fucking red dude!!"

clyde started to count down, as soon as he cried out "eat", everyone began to chow down as fast as possible, the worst part about these noodles, the spice didn't kick in immediately

it was a slow gradual kind of burn, it first gives off a bit of a sweet taste but then the heat just hits you out of nowhere and that heat BURNED in the mouth, your lips, the back of your throat, literally everywhere

kenny was the fastest to call quits, the spice kicked in only after big 2 bites, the burn of the noodles still lingered in his mouth even after chugging down the glass of milk

"oh god, i have a head rush!!"

the heat was so intense his body was starting to have physical reactions, he was in seats, his entire mouth was crackling like a fireplace the heat high was beginning to kick in and he hated those, (he was stupid once and inhaled hot flaming cheeo dust to get high, served as one of the most embarrassing trip to the hospital he's ever had, to this day butters still makes fun of him for it)

"how do people eat this shit!!"

his parka threw across the room and hurried to search the freezer for the remedy, he swore he heard a hiss the moment the diary Popsicle was shoved into his burning mouth, he grabbed 3 more before flopping on the couch panting and sweating like a dog

10 minutes later into kenny quitting, stan and kyle began to feel the heat rush and soon tapped out, clyde and tolkien manage to hold on a little longer before giving up, leo was the only one standing and finished his dish with no issues, he even found the reaction of his friends to be amusing; it was like having dinner and a show

"leo dude how are you eating that?!"

he shrugged and much to the shock of the others, he took another sauce packet and mixed it into the bowl

"it's not spicy enough for me"

kyle panted as he fanned himself with his hand, chugging down the glass of milk

"oh god, it's on my lips!! it's tingling my lips dude!!"

he finished his bowl without issue and gave his glass of milk to kenny to chug down

"how feel any better"

"it only went down a little bit"

he sighed and thanked him for the milk before chugging it down in one gulp


"i don't wanna fucking hear it!"

he laughed and held up his hands in a defesive position

"hey i didn't say anything"

"i know you with your smart-ass mouth!"

he let out a sigh before flopping the empty cup on the coffee table and laying his head on leo's lap

"i'm sorry to tell you this but you're gonna feel that all over later on"

he groaned and curled up against his legs; god he did not wanna think about that

this was so not worth the 20 bucks

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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