Short Story: Grandma Fucked Around And Found Out

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"leo!!, leo come downstairs right now mister!!"

a sigh escaped his mouth as he pushed himself out of his chair, so much for wanting to get his homework done early

he closed up his laptop and made his way downstairs, in the living room his dad was standing in front of the stairs looking at him with a stern face and crossed arms

"what?!, what do you want?!"

"sit with me on the couch leo, we need to have a serious talk"

he rolled his eyes and reluctantly seated himself far from the end of the couch

"your grandmother will be coming over to pay a visit"

"that old rat is still alive?!"

he hardly flinched at his threatening glare, his grandmother was the detention of two-faced, to other's she projected herself to be sickeningly sweet and frail, the stereotypical caring grandmother, but leo had seen her true colours and knew the true demon that lay underneath that sweet mask

she took part in his abuse and loved turning him into her little punching bag to blow off steam with, at the time leo was only a small child who had no support from friends or family so he was left to suffer in silence and endure her abuse, he hadn't seen her since he was ten, he hoped she had finally made her way to hell's gate during these years but apparently not

now that he was 16 and a lot more wiser to the bullshit of his family he could see why his dad turned out the way he did, if she was willing to beat her own grandson god only knows what she did to her own childern, he would've felt bad for him if it wasn't the fact he decided to carry out that cycle onto him instead of just being a good dad and speared him the physical and mental damage 

"that is not how you talk about your elders!!"

"well i just did so deal with it"

he yanked away his phone when he saw his dad trying to lunge for it, it would be pointless if he even tried to take it, he paid for the phone so it would be theft if he took it away and he could tell his dad realized that which only caused him to get more upset, it made the little demon inside of leo jump up and down in happiness 

"now you listen here young man!!, when your grandmother arrives at our house I expect you to act accordingly!, it's already bad enough that you look like a delinquent!, the least you could do is act like a decent well-behaved child"

"the day i start acting like a "decent child" is when you start acting like a decent father and stop beating and berating me for everything"

a finger began to poke at his chest

"I mean it young man!! no back-talk, no talk about you're boyfriend!! no disrespectful attitude and no foul language, if you dare cross any of these rules you are gonna be in for a grounding of a lifetime!!"

leo only rolled his eyes and smacked away his hand 

"first of all stop fucking pointing and touching me! second if you're going to bitch me at least brush you're teeth, your breath smells like dick!"

"leo so help me i'd--"

how ironic that the doorbell decided to ring at this exact moment, saved by the bell they always say

his dad glared at him one more time before getting up to answer the door while leo continued to play on his phone and mind his own business, the urge to puke at hearing his grandmother's sickeningly sweet voice was incredibly hard to resist, leo was sure he was the only real person in his whole bullshit of a family tree, though he wasn't religious anymore he thanked god every day that he turned out to be nothing like them and it was going to stay that way 

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