Short Story: 1 AM Grocery Store Adventures

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kyle was honestly not sure on he got here

he was just hanging out with his friends at stan's barn; playing videos games and playing a few drinking games (mostly stan and leo participated in that) leo was having a rough day, prior to the hangout he took a few swings of whiskey to loosen up a bit 

he got a little carried away during the drinking games and ended up getting pretty drunk; borderline wasted if you well, stan was pretty out of it himself 

when leo got drunk he turned into a completely different person; drunk southern accent, oddly friendly and very clingy towards to kenny refusing to leave his side and no that wasn't an exaggeration, he literally had to be in arms length of kenny at all times; parting them away from each other was next to impossible (it was kenny's favourite part about his drunkness)

well mid-way through their hangout kyle had accidentally forgotten his promise to clyde, he was supposed to buy party supplies for the up coming house party later in the week, stan suggested the they go to walmart since that was the only store that was open at this time that seld party supplies

he was reluctant to agree; given how intoxicated leo was and with his best friend begin a bit of a slob when he was drunk but ultimately decided to go ahead with his idea

it was a disaster, the moment they entered through the sliding doors kyle knew this would be a a shit show 

for starts stan thought it would be a great idea to just flop himself into a shopping cart while eating out a bag of chips that they hadn't paid for yet and that wasn't even to mention how much of a handful leo was, kenny had to constantly rile him in and keep him a bay; he was literally the only person leo would listen too when kyle tried to talk sense into him he smacked away his arm and slurred that he couldn't tell him what to do

so now here he was, looking over the party and decorations with his best friend lying  in a  shopping cart with Kenny trying to calm down a very drunk leo while he randomly ranted out slurred sentences; kyle was sure that had it been daytime they would've defiantly gotten kicked out

"Hey kyle, grab those party poppers and cups"


he nodded up ahead to the top shelf, kyle followed his gaze and gabbed the dark red cups and the multiple colour poppers, plopping them on top of stan's chest as they scattered all around him

"what's the point in the party anyway?"

he shrugged, checking off the shopping list

"clyde mention something about how house parties tend to pull in alot of girls, i thitnk he's hoping bebe will attend"

leo giggled as he rested his head on his boyfriends shoulder as his arm wrapped around his neck

"he still tryin to get in her pants?!!"

"dude you are wasted"

he chuckled as he shook his head

"nah!!, i'm--i'm just a bit tipsy is all, you'll fells are fussin' over nothin"

"just so you guys know, i'm recording this entire thing"

stan laughed as he held up the camera high, getting everyone in the shot, leo grinned at the camera and pulled out his middle finger

"oh yeah?- fuck you mom and pop!!, kiss my go to hell!!, you pieces of shits!!, HAH!!"

"shh, butters were gonna get kicked out"

"aw ken i've ditched from the cops before!"

after gathering the party supplies, they only needed to get snacks and more alcohol for the party, kyle and stan went to go get snacks while kenny and leo were in charge of buying more alcohol which in hindsight a poor decision; kyle had to stop tan from oping more snacks while kenny was practially battling leo off from opening up another bottle of liquor  

"no butters don't open the that!! it's for the party!!"

he pouted and hugged it close to his chest

"nooo i want it!"

"buttercup come on give it to me"


it was like luring a child away from candy but he managed to finally get the bottle away from him him and soon meet up with with stan and kyle at check-out

"howdy mis!!, how are you doin?"

"umm, ..fine?, thank you?"

she looked to kyle for a sort of explanation as to why this random punky-looking teenage was randy yelling hi to her in a very thick drunk southern accent, he sighed

"excuse my friend he's heavily drunk, and the idiot in the cart eating a bag of chips is my tipsy boyfriend, and the only other sober one here is my friend, kenny, who is too busy keeping his drunk clingy boyfriend at bay"

"i'm not drunk--im, ...i'm just...i'm just tipsy"

"Sure you are buddy"

the lady only nodded and started to scan the various items, she kindly had to ask stan to stop eating the chips so she could properly scan the bag, after paying and bagging everything, kyle thanked her for her service, apologized for his friends and left to the bus stop 

they bussed back to kyle's house hid away all the part supplies underneath his bad and laid out the sleeping bags, leo had passed out on the bus and kenny carried him bridal style all the way inside the house and carefully put him to one of the sleeping mats and cuddled behind him, stan took the other empty mattress while kyle flopped back on his bed with a deep sigh

what a day

or night he supposed

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