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  Chapter 51 Two or three things during pregnancy (2)
  It was getting dark in the afternoon when Li Xiu came home from work. Looking at Zhou Lian who was busy cooking in the kitchen, Li Xiu quickly cleaned himself up with a happy smile and went to the kitchen to help.

  "Bao'er, let me fix it, you rest," Li Xiu hugged his wife and kissed her.

  "It's almost there, let's put the food on the table," Zhou Lian said with a smile as she looked at the man who was hugging her and wouldn't let go. She is now used to Li Xiu hugging her at home and kissing her every now and then. This is really a terrible habit, but I don't hate it.

  "Okay, Bao'er, go wash your hands," Li Xiu quickly kissed his wife again, and Li Xiu pushed her to wash her hands and prepare to eat.

  Sitting at the dining table, watching his daughter-in-law cook a table full of dishes, Li Xiu asked her in a low voice, "Bao'er, can I have a little wine, just a small glass." Zhou Lian looked at him unexpectedly, doesn't he not drink

  ? What's the matter? This is: "What's the matter with you, what's on your mind?" "

  Where! I'm so happy, isn't it Mid-Autumn Festival today, my wife and son are pregnant, what else is on my mind, I'm just excited, the three of us celebrate the festival together today!" Li Xiu hurriedly explained, how could the wife think he has something on his mind? Is he happy, okay, this is the first time in this life to celebrate the festival with his wife and daughter!

  "Okay! Don't get drunk. You were drunk at my father's place last time. I can't take care of you today!" Seeing his excitement, Zhou Lian didn't hit him. It's okay to let him drink less. She just doesn't like men who are drunk and go crazy!
  "Hey, I'll just drink some of the wine I made myself, so I won't get drunk!" Li Xiu happily agreed, and ran to the cellar to get the wine. The wine came from a field of wild grapes that he came across in the mountains last autumn. The grapes were small and sour. It was a pity for him to waste it, so he thought about brewing wine for his wife to drink. Didn't wine women drink it for their health?
  Seeing Li Xiu come back with a big jar, Zhou Lian asked him suspiciously, "Aren't these pickled vegetables?" There were several of them in the cellar, and she thought they were pickled vegetables by Li Xiu, but she didn't look at them because there were still many in the kitchen.

  "Ah? Oh, I forgot to tell you that these jars of wine are made for you to drink. I read in the book that women usually drink less wine to be healthy. This is made from wild grapes on the mountain. You should also drink a glass!" Li Xiu said with a smile. The wife really thinks, what are you doing with so many pickles

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