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  Chapter 81 A son is like a donkey and a girl is like a pig
  "Raising a son without education is like raising a donkey, and raising a daughter without education is like raising a pig①. I don't know what you think as a father. Now that I have separated the family, everything in the old house is good or bad. I have nothing to do with it. It's up to you to decide what to say. I still want to pay New Year's greetings to some elders in my family, so I left first." Li Xiu said without hesitation.

  Looking around at the brothers and sisters of the Li family, Li Xiu turned and walked out. He said indifferently, "If you want to go to New Year's greetings with me, just follow along!" The Li family brothers and sisters looked at each other, followed Li Xiu out involuntarily


  Seeing the children who were all gone, Li Laoer said to Ge Erya weakly: "You are satisfied now, so that's it." After finishing the meal, he went out without eating.

  He had to think carefully about what the boss said, "Raising a son without education is like raising a donkey, and raising a daughter is like raising a pig." Li Xiu's words were like a knife pierced into the heart of Li's second son. Aren't people living for their children all their lives? He wronged Li Xiu at the beginning because of the younger ones, but now, the boss hates them and the younger ones blame them. Whose fault is this?
  It was his fault. As the head of the family, he failed to educate his wife and children well, but he kept thinking about wronging his elder son. It seemed that it was for the sake of the younger ones, but the reality clearly told him that it was his selfishness and cowardice that caused all this.

  The third child was right, father and son separated, brothers turned against each other, this is his retribution, even the old mother gave up on him this morning, it can be seen that he is completely disappointed in him, the elder brother who has been protecting him has not excused him, it is also because of the treatment of Li Xiu, it is chilling!
  Even the elder sister-in-law, who always greeted people with a smile, glared at him, and the three younger siblings were full of ridicule. He should understand how wrong he was, and others were fine. His old mother and elder brother were always for him.

  Ge Erya looked at the empty room and was a little at a loss. Facing the accusations from the man and the third son, she couldn't figure out why. She just didn't like her eldest son, why everyone was accusing her, and she was doing it for their own good.

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