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  Chapter 71 New Year's Gifts

  On the 20th day of the twelfth lunar month, Li Xiu got up early in the morning to pack up his things. After hearing Zhou Lian's words, Li Xiu also understood that he is not rich now.

  Six catties of wild pork, two bottles of white wine, two packs of snacks, and eight white-faced steamed buns. This is the annual gift from the father-in-law's family. In addition, two catties of meat are given to each of the elder sister's family and the uncle's family.

  After the daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law were settled, Li Xiu and Zhou Lian told her what they were giving, and told her not to do anything, and the daughter-in-law should not hug her all the time, and put it down after drinking milk and belching, and stop being tired. It was almost nine o'clock, and then rode a bicycle to Shanqian Village.

  Without his daughter-in-law, Li Xiu rode the bike very fast. After an hour's journey, he arrived in half an hour. He arrived at his father-in-law's house.

  Seeing that Li Xiu had arrived, the Zhou family all asked about Zhou Lian and the child. It was three days since Li Baolai informed her that Zhou Lian had given birth to a girl on November 26. Both adults and children were fine, and they didn't say anything else, which made Zhou's family worry about it.

  Li Xiu sat down and took a sip of water, looked at Yue's family members who asked with concern, and said with a smile: "I was born at 2:36 pm on the 26th of last month, six catties and six liang, fifty-two centimeters, everything went well, both adults and children are fine." "How is confinement?" Zhou Lan asked anxiously

  Understanding what she meant, Li Xiu explained softly: "The confinement is

  taking care of well, so don't worry about it."

  "Well, I took care of it, and I don't feel at ease when others take care of me."

  "Who will wash the diapers? Who will cook the meals?" Zhou Lan asked.

  Li Xiu said with a smile: "I wash the diapers, I cook the meals, Lian'er can't touch cold water during the confinement, and besides, she can't be tired during the confinement."

  "Okay, don't make your elder sister anxious, tell me carefully, why are you teasing her!" Mother Zhou smiled and glared at Li Xiu and said, this bad boy, knowing that his elder sister is worried, deliberately teased her.

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