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  Chapter 91 Interest?

  "Shut up, you're everywhere, it's hard for you to talk nonsense in a serious manner." Zhou Lian was directly amused by him, and there was no one else who used this ancient legend as a counter-evidence.

  To be honest, she was illiterate before, so she didn’t think anything was wrong. Later, she learned from her mother-in-law for more than ten or twenty years. At that time, she was also old. When she looked at these things, she always felt that something was wrong. Let’s say Cowherd and Weaver Girl. It is said that Cowherd stole the clothes of Weaver Girl who was taking a bath, so that Weaver Girl couldn’t go back to heaven, so she married Cowherd. Girl, if Heaven knows that Zhinu will be punished, or let Zhinu bear children for him, this man himself is irresponsible and a womanizer.

  Besides Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, it is understandable for Zhu Yingtai to disguise herself as a man. Having an affair with Liang Shanbo can also be said to be a girl’s love, but she has been in the same class for three years. With Zhu Yingtai’s intelligence, she should have known Liang Shanbo’s character.

  Father Zhu forced her to marry the Ma family, saying that it was because the Ma family was rich and the Liang family was poor. It was because of the father's heart, and he couldn't bear his daughter's hardships. Don't say that if the father doesn't love his daughter, he won't let her go to school disguised as a man. It will still be three years. Talent will always emerge.

  But legends are always legends, and love stories that are not tragic will not be so moving, and it may be that they have lived for decades. I always feel wrong about these love stories, especially the Strait novels that became popular later, which really challenge people's normal three views.

  I remember one time when my daughter took a break to watch TV with her in-laws. At that time, a TV series adapted from a Strait novel was on the rise. I didn’t remember anything else, but I remembered two sentences in it.
  For love, it should be discussed on the premise of not hurting anyone, otherwise, is it love?

  Looking at the daughter-in-law who was caught in his own thoughts, Li Xiu smiled. He could guess what the daughter-in-law was thinking now, but he didn't want to see these two so-called love stories as much as he did, and then thought farther away!

  "What are you thinking about? Baby."

  "Thinking about what love is, and how human nature treats love." Zhou Lian answered along with her thoughts, completely oblivious to the fact that it was a man who was trying to trick her.

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