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  Chapter 1 Return to
  Huaguo In 2023, the old lady Zhou Lian closed her eyes accompanied by her filial sons and grandsons. She thought she would see a bull's head and a horse's face, but when she opened her eyes, she saw greenery everywhere.

  Lying on the bed, listening to the sound of snoring one after another, those are the two younger sisters who are not yet married. Hot tears flowed from Zhou Lian's tightly closed eyes. She is an old lady who is almost seventy and has become herself in her twenties. daughter.

  In my life, I have enjoyed blessings and suffered sins, my parents love me, and my sons and daughters are filial, but the man I find is not satisfactory, but what can I do, for the sake of those filial sons and daughters, I still have to marry in this life.

  When I opened my eyes in the morning, I thought I was dreaming. I was in a trance for a day. I didn’t realize it was not a dream until I looked at my siblings and my dead parents at night.

  My own sons and daughters have been obedient, filial, and smart since they were young. Because their father has a bad temper, he has brought his mother with him since his daughter went to college. He is afraid that his parents will get angry and quarrel together. It seems that the painful and helpless appearance of a pair of children who are over fifty years old in front of the hospital bed appeared before him. Wiping the tears on his face, Zhou Lian sighed softly, marry, but this life will not be so cowardly and heartless! Go to sleep, tomorrow I have to get up early and go to work in the field.

  In Shanqian Village under the night, there is a man smoking a cigarette sitting by the small river in front of the village. The man is very young. If Zhou Lian is here, she must know him. It is Li Xiu, the man she is not married yet. His hand that was holding the cigarette was trembling badly, why did he just leave, how could she walk ahead of her, she had been wronged for most of her life, and she hadn't enjoyed a few days of happiness.

  It wasn't until the cigarette in his hand was hot that he came back to his senses. He came back, and went back to the blind date in the previous life. In this life, he will treat her well, like the little granddaughter said, put her in the palm of his hand and love her. There is still a chance in this life, and it is too late. She doesn't know herself yet!

  Looking up at the mountain in front of him, it seems that through the mountain, he can see the village on the other side of the mountain. There is his father-in-law's family, his wife's natal family! In a trance, she seemed to see her plain eyes on the hospital bed again, without complaining or resentment, seeing him as a familiar stranger, how long it had been, she seemed to no longer regard him as her husband, she went to her daughter's house when he went to find her, she ran to her son, and when he went to her son's house again, she went to her daughter's house again.

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