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I had honestly lost count of how many bars we had been to tonight but it was way past four and Charles was completely out of it. Most of the drivers had gone home a while back, but Charles didn't want it to end. "Valentine Alaina Senna!"

"Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc."

"How have you been tonight?" He asked his words slurring with each other.

"Can't complain, it has been funny watching you try to dance."

"Try to?! I am a professional dancer, in case you didn't know," he explained as he raised his hands above his head and attempted to twirl like a ballerina. Which resulted in his nearly falling down, laughing as he did so. Regaining his balanced, he stopped laughing and looked at me, "You are absolutely stunning, cara mia," [My darling] he began, putting his hands on his cheeks. "You are always stunning but tonight. Dear God, Valentine. You outdid yourself."

"Thank you. But I think you've had enough for tonight, Charles," I said turning to look at anyone but him. I knew my blush was evident but he couldn't see it. I don't want him to.

"OH MY-!" Charles screeched.

"What?! Are you ok?!" I asked quickly turning to look at him to see if anything had happened to him.

"I made THE Valentine Alaina Senna blush!" he grinned as he took a step forward.

"No, you didn't, Charles," I nervously laughed as I headed out of the club. Quickly falling behind me Charles grabbed my wrist just as I made it past the door. Looking up at him I realized how deadly close he was to my face which only made me blush harder.

"I haven't even said anything and you are blushing even more, Val."

"Oh, get over yourself," I laughed, placing my hands over my face in an attempt to hide my blush, but he had clearly seen it already.

"Don't do that," he whispered as he suddenly became sober. He grabbed both my wrist bring my hands down, interlocking our fingers. "Don't hide that beautiful face of yours, Valentine."

"Charles," I whispered, I wanted to tell him then and there. I wanted him to tell me what he truly felt. But before I could say anything, he quickly let go of my hands and bolted to the nearest trash can. I quickly followed him, rubbing his back as he threw up. "Let's get you home."

"Can I go home with you tonight?" he asked as he wiped his lips.

"What's wrong with your home?"

"It sucks. It absolutely sucks!" he answered, suddenly becoming sad.

"What? Why?" I asked, trying my hardest not to laugh at his quick change of mood and soberness.

"Because you're not their Val. I like your home because you're there," he pouted. " We can make it OUR home!" He exclaimed his mood completely changing. "Can we make it our home? Please, please please!!"

"Of course, Charles. It could be our home," I shook my head, pulling him out of the club and sitting him in the car. "Can you buckle up?"

"No, help me?" He asked raising his hands up. Helping him buckle up I was laughing the whole car ride, as he was in and out of it. Finally, we made it back to our house, dragging him into the house was my whole workout for the week. "Charles, love, I really do need you to help me a little bit." Hearing him gasp and stop I turned to look at him worriedly, "What? What's wrong? Do you need to puke?"

"You called me love," Charles squeaked as he held his hands to his heart. "Am I your love?! You know your my love. My one and only true love."

"What?" When he said this my mind went straight to what Carlos had mentioned at the first club. "Charles, what did you say?" Knocking out, yet again, I slightly slapped his face, "Charles, what did you say?"

Gaining conscience again, he wined, "My feet hurt, I want to lay down on our bed." Rolling my eyes, I carried him into the bed, lifting his legs up as I began to take off his shoes.

"Charles, you need to undress."

"You undress me, you flirt," he teased as he swatted his hand at me.

"I really am tired too. Why don't you help me with that while I go change and get ready for bed?"

"Fine, but on our honeymoon, you're undressing me," he said as he began to undress himself. Not aware of what he just said. Our honeymoon?

Dumbfounded by his comment I slowly made my way to the bathroom, trying to process everything he just admitted. No, I can't accept it yet. He's drunk and has no idea what he is saying. Drunk words are sober thoughts. Not in this case. He is full-on wasted out of his mind. Making my way back to the bedroom I found him halfway off the bed completely uncovered. Pushing him onto the bed and covering him with the sheets I made my way out of the bedroom.

"Valentine?" he groaned half-asleep.


"Where are you going? I thought this was our bed."

"It is but-"

"Then sleep in it with me," he cut me off uncovering the other side of the bed so I can sleep. Making my way back to the bed I laid down beside him, trying to keep a reasonable amount of space between the two of us. This wasn't the first time we slept in the same bed. We had numerous sleepovers before Jules passed away. He would stay over to make sure I slept well. He had been the only person I could fully rest with. But now it was different with these new feelings floating around. Rolling on my side I felt my side of the bed sink lower. I felt his hand wrap around my waist as he pulled me into him. "Charles, you are on my side of the bed," I whispered trying to pull him off me.

"There is no my side or your side. It's our side."


"Good night, preziosa," he hummed into the crook of my neck, before knocking out yet again

"Good night, my star."


I'm curious to hear how you all believe the book will end. I may or may not have the ending planned out already. I do plan on finishing this book before it hits 40 chapters.

So please comment on what you all think will happen at the end.

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