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Charles and I had gotten back to the hotel pretty late, so late that I slept in until after 1 pm. The only reason I woke up was because Christopher kept blowing up my phone with messages and calls. "Hello?" I answered, my voice sounding raspy from just waking up.

"Babe, did you just wake up?" Christopher questioned. In the background, you could hear the ruckus of his teammates.

"Yeah, did you just get out of practice?"

"Alaina. I had a game," he bluntly answered.

"Oh! How did it go? Did you win?" I asked, sitting up on my bed, keeping the sheets on top of me.

"You were supposed to be here, supporting me."

Shit. "Chris, I am so sorry. We stayed out later than expected and I slept in-"

"Just forget about it," he cut me off. "We still are up for dinner, right?"

"Yes, yes. Of course, where do you want to meet?"

"I will pick you up from your hotel at 6."

"See you then." Hanging up I immediately messaged the only people I could trust. I got up took a shower and changed before they arrived.

Twenty minutes later I heard a knock on my door, opening it up the person standing outside was the last person I expected to be there. "Valentine."

"Charles, hi."

"Hi, can I come in?" He asked, looking into my room.

"Yes, come on in," moving out of the way he made his way into the hotel room and looked around.

"We're you waiting for someone?" Charles asked, sitting on my bed and making himself comfortable.

"Yes, I was waiting for-" I was cut off by another knock on the door. Opening the door came Carlos, Max, Pierre, Daniel, and Lando.

"Charles?" Max asked, peeking his head over Carlos's shoulder since Carlos had stopped in his tracks as he saw Charles sitting on my bed.

"Hello, everyone," Charles waved at everyone, and everyone waved back at him.

"Told you!" Carlos screamed all of a sudden, turning to look at Pierre. He began jumping in the air and running in circles around him.

"No, no, no, mate!" Pierre screamed, waving his hands in the air as he nodded his head. "It is not confirmed, it has to be confirmed!"

"Confirmed?" I asked, closing the door and approaching the group. "What has to be confirmed?"

"What is Charles doing here?" Max asked, turning to look at me and then at Charles.

"He's not in the group chat, right?" Daniel asked pulling out his phone, Lando doing the same beside him.

"No he's not," Lando responded as he scrolled through his phone. "Alaina typed 'SOS! Meet at my room in 20.'"

"I just came in to talk to my teammate," Charles defended as he got up from the bed to stand beside me. "SOS? What's wrong?" He turned to look at me as all eyes went on me.

"Yeah, you never explained what was wrong?" Max asked, standing beside Charles as the other four surrounded me as well.

A nervous chuckle left my mouth, "Who wants coffee? Tea?" I asked, not knowing what to say anymore. This is probably the most awkward situation I have ever been placed in.

"Valentine, what is wrong?" Charles asked, grabbing my hand as I began to step away from the group.

"Valentine?" Pierre, Daniel, and Lando said at the same time.

"How about we all sit down, and I explain it to everyone?" Nodding their heads they all sat down on the edge of the bed. A smile crept up my face as I turned to look at them, they all were squished together as Lando was stuck on the very end of the bed followed by Daniel, Carlos, Charles, Max, and Pierre on the other end.

"It's about Blanc isn't it," Charles said, everyone turning to look at him before turning to look at me.

"I think he might ask me to be his girlfriend tonight."

"And that's not good?" Lando questioned, tilting his head slightly.

"Of course not, mate!" Daniel said, smacking Lando square in the head. "It's too soon, right?" Watching as Lando rubbed his head and pouted at Daniel, I nodded my head in response.

"Then tell him no, simple as that," Pierre said.

"No, it's not that simple, mate," Charles responded for me, looking down slightly and sounding a bit bummed out.

"He's right," I agreed with him. "I actually like him, but-"

"But he's going too fast and making you uncomfortable, Alaina," Carlos cut me off.

"And if he makes you feel that way so soon," Max began. "Then something is really wrong."

"You know your answer, Valentine," Charles said, as I stayed quiet taking in all their comments. "What's stopping you?"

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