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Alaina POV:

The unfailingly Monaco starlit sky was all I could admire as the rooftop of my home supported my back. "Hi Papa, hi Jules." I whispered to the skies. After my father died I would sneak up here in the middle of the night and speak with him, he was one among the many stars. This had previously been a tradition for us, as a way to escape reality. Specifically to speak to Mama, the brightest star of them all. Jules had found me one night a few months after father's incident and joined me every night since then. "Long time, huh?" However, after Jules' death I couldn't bring myself up here for years, putting off accepting his death. My body has comprehend Jules and papa's absence, but my mind and soul still yearn for their return. "I start tomorrow."


"Alaina Senna," a familiar voice rang as I made my way through the paddock. Grace, my press officer, was guiding me to my respective driver room.

"Maxie!" I cheered as the Dutch approached me, opening his arms and bring me into his embrace.

"I wanted to be the first to welcoming you to the grid- I am the first one right?" he stopped himself, scrunching his brows as he looked down at me.

"Yes, Verstappen. But if we are being technical, the security guards in the front gate were the first to welcome me." I smirked as I looked at the security guards waving at them.

Max just rolled his eyes as he turned his gaze from the guards. "Have you seen him yet?" he asked in a more serious manner.

"Dios mío, no." [My God, no.] I sighed as I held onto my chest. "And I plan to keep it that way for as long as I can. Today is way too important for him to ruin it."

"He's your teammate, you'll have to see him and more importantly talk to him," Max stated the obvious. I hated that about him. Always being so direct about everything, which is good in most cases but this was different and he knew that. "Look it," he said, bringing me back from my thoughts. "Regardless of where you two stand, this is your work. And you have been through hell and back to get here, don't let him or anyone for that matter ruin it. This is no longer Formula 3. You're in Formula 1, Alaina." Without another word I embraced him in a hug before I went off following Grace once again.


"Incredible! An absolute beauty of a debut for rookie sensation Alaina Senna, daughter of late Ayrton Senna." David Croft cheered as I finished qualifying. "Her father's blood and legacy truly coursing through her veins."

"What was my time?" I asked through my radio. Slowing down as I waited for the response to fill my ears.

"P2! P2, Senna!" was all I heard as celebrations as cheers were heard through the garage.

"Yes, I know. But my time?"


"And Verstappen's?" I asked, my grip on my steering wheel, the anticipation and adrenaline coursing through my veins.


A sigh of relief left my body as I realized, only a 98 millisecond difference. "This is for Papa and Jules."


Parking my car next to Verstappen I got off the car, heading to the front, removing my helmet and balaclava. Kneeling in front of my car I kissed the nose of the car. Lifting my head from my car, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist lifting me up completely off the ground and spinning me around. "Verbazingwekkend, absoluut verbazingwekkend Alaina!" [Amazing, absolutely amazing Alaina!]

"Maxie, watch out!" I shrieked as I curled my feet closer to my body and gripped onto his arms, fearing for my life. He was spinning us unreasonably fast and I was afraid we would both barf or fall down from the velocity. Sure Max had the coordination and skill to drive a high-speed car, but other than that he was just any regular man with two left legs.

After a few more spins he finally placed me down before he viciously turned me around so I could face him. "I'm so proud of you Alaina, I really am."

"Grazie, Max. Means a lot." [Thank you, Max] His eyes brimmed with tears as he looked down at me, but of course my big mouth couldn't keep shut. "Maxie, you big baby stop crying. I know your daddy's not coming but no need to cry." A scolding look grew up his face, as he crossed his arms. "I said what I said." Giving into the joke he finally let out a loud laugh. This is what I loved about Max. We could take our trauma and insecurities and joke about it without the other getting offended or hurt. We were like trauma buddies.

A roaring engine brought me away from my thoughts, both of us turning to see who it was. The red Ferrari parked on the left side of Max's Redbull, taking it's respective 3rd place. With everything going on, the adrenaline rush and excitement how could I not have ask about where the rest stood on the grid, especially him. "Would you look at that, two Ferrari's sandwiching my Redbull," Max pointed out as he crossed his arms taking in the view.

There he stood, tall, arrogant, sweaty, smelly, and insufferable. I hated him. I hated him. I hated him. Why couldn't Carlos have taken P3? Or Pierre? Or Lando? Anyone but him. Way to go for the team but boo for him. He's an absolute nightmare. If I could wish anything upon him I wish the worst of the worst. Like stepping on a bunch of legos barefoot and never being able to have a cold side of the pillow.

Smirking and grinning like a complete moron he approaches us, "Verstappen, congratulations on the win, mate." the two share a brief embrace before he turns to me. "Senna, you went a little hard on those last corners, this isn't F3 anymore. You got to be a little more careful."

"Stuk stront," [Piece of shit] I told him, a forced smile spreading across my face as we both put a facade for the press. Max snorted beside me, barely being able to contain his Rebull in his mouth.

"What does that mean?" the brunette scrunched his brows together, unaware of the Dutch words.

"Figure it out Leclerc," I smirked before heading over to get weighted. God, how can he be so self-absorbed? I mean his debut was no where near what I qualified. He could've at least been a little more discreet about what he said, especially with all the cameras around. Like I said, stuk stront.

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