His Precious Star

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Alaina's POV:

Going into that wall I knew this was the end. My end.

When I crashed I felt an indescribable peace and joy. I don't know how long I had been in the flames, but it felt like a beautiful eternity. I relived every moment of my life, feeling and understanding why things had gone a certain way.

I relived the moment Papa helped me drive my first go kart.

I relived the moment I met Jules because of Papa.

I relived the moment I met Charles because of Jules.

I relived the moment I became Ferrari's first female driver, with Charles.

I relived the moment I won my first championship, with Charles.

I relived the moment Charles and I got married.

I relived the moment Jules and Ayrton were born, with Charles.

I relived the moment I won my second, third, fourth, and fifth championship, with Charles.

I relived the moment every moment with Charles.

He was my first everything. Charles is my everything, the love of my life, and the bane of my existence.


"Valentine, preziosa!" I heard his muffled voice, panicked filled within it. Feeling his warm embrace I let out a soft sigh. "Look at me, mon amour. LOOK ME AT ME, VALENTINE!" He screamed after he removed my balaclava and helmet, cautiously bringing me into his lap.

"Mi vita," I weakly coughed. A sigh escaped his lips after he heard my voice.

"Yes, preziosa, I'm here, I'm right here," he whispered, placing his hand on my face and a soft kiss on my forehead. His touch was always soft and warm.

Taking his left hand, I placed a shakily kissing on his knuckles, looking up at him. "I love you more than all the stars combined."

"I love you, Valentine," he responded, a weak smile grew on my face. Every time he said I love you it felt surreal, this time was no different. Just that this was the last time I would be hearing those beautiful words roll of his beautiful lips.

That day I left everything behind. My fans, my team, my friends. My two beautiful, handsome sweet boys. But most of all, I left my world behind.

Although Charles had left me without any explanation many years ago, leaving me in the darkest time of my life. It was all worth it. It needed to happen. He needed to leave because when he came back he gave me the moon and the stars.

I could not lie to you and say that I wanted to leave him. Believe me when I say I fought against fate and pushed myself to stay a little longer. But I needed to go. I needed to leave because when his time comes to leave everything behind, he will join the star. Reuniting, with all that he loved. He will become one with the stars.

But for now we will leave it at this.

He fulfilled his promise. He let me go before him. He gave me everything he had to give me and I gave him everything in return.

Now I will forever and always be, His Precious Star.

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