Chapter 4: Embarrassment

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              "Why is today such an embarrassing day!!!"

" I am sorry, what did you just say?" James looked at me as if he was unsure of what he has just heard tell of.

What's wrong with him. I haven't said anything. Is he pulling my legs ?

" Sorry , what do you mean? I haven't said anything." I said as I passed him a confused look.

" I felt like you mumbled something like crush?? I couldn't hear you right " James gave me a curious glance.

What the hell!! Was I not thinking it to myself ?? Or is he really a mind reader! Oh my god ! Please, I just want the ground to open up and swallow me.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" I suddenly heard my sister's voice.

Nice! She is finally back after leaving me here. If she hadn't left me here alone, I wouldn't have been in an embarrassing situation like this.

"Nothing just introducing ourselves." James casually replied to my sister.

" Oh, I see . And , why the hell are you glaring at me as if you are going to murder me? Net" Kiss looked at me bewildered."

" Nothing" I said to my sister as I passed her a pissed smile.

"Anyways , let's go to the Starbucks. It's scorching hot here. I can't stay anymore minutes outside. Look Net has even stared to have red cheeks due to heat." How oblivious is my sister.

"I will get you your lemon tea there James. And Net, what about you, wanna join us?" My sister asked me as she waved her hand in front of her face trying to cool herself down a little bit.

Only if you knew how I was feeling , you would have never asked. That's what I wanted to say. However I stopped myself from saying that.

" No thanks , I have to go somewhere else." I said wanting to escape from their immediately.

"If I stayed here any more minute , my face will be as red as tomato." I mumbled as I waved my sister and her best friend goodbye. Then, I immediately ran away.

" Wait , you dropped your-" * sigh*


I gulped down a full bottle of cold water from the fridge as I breath heavily.

"Man, I shouldn't have run so fast. I feel like collapsing on the floor. It's way damn hot." I mumbled to myself as I enter inside the shower to freshen up.

After taking a cool shower , I cooked myself some ramyeon as a dinner. It was already 8'o clock when I finished cooking. I think I spent a lot of time in shower. Now, don't come scream at me for wasting the water. It was only once...or may be twice? Anyways.

As I eat my tasty ramyeon, i turned on my phone which as switched off as I forget to charge it yesterday before going to sleep. Is it only me or you guys also forget to charge your phone?

Anyways, as I my phone turned on, I saw that it was flooded with text from my best friend, Tutor.

Shit! I forgot to tell him I won't be coming to school today. That explains a lot.
                                     9:00 AM

Tutor : O , where are you? I am at the bus station. Come fast!

                                    9:25 AM

Tutor: Don't Tell me that you are not ready yet!? School starts in 15 minutes!!!

                                     9:30 AM

Tutor: Are you dead or what? Where are you!!!
                                   9:45 AM

Tutor: You're a dead meat once I see you !!

                                   5:00 PM

Tutor: Did you really made me wait when you were not going to come to the school!?

Tutor: Hello!!

Tutor: Are you all right? Why are you not answering!

Tutor: Are you kidnapped or what? 😆

Tutor: WAIT!!  Seriously!!! Oh my god ,what do I do? We haven't even spend much time together. What about our plans!!

You missed a call from Tutor

You missed a call from Tutor

You missed a call from Tutor

You missed a call from Tutor

Tutor: 😭😭😭😭😭. where are you???

Yep, I am not the only one who overthinks.

Yes yes , that's why we are best friends.

I replied to him saying that I was fine and at home and promised to explain everything tomorrow. I am too lazy to type all those things. Plus nothing is more fun than talking face to face, isn't it?

As I was about to go to bed , I saw my clothes that I wore today on the bed.  I guess I forgot to put them aside to wash. So, I started checking for the things that I may have in the pocket. WHAT THE HELL!! Where is my pocket journal!!!

You don't know about the things I have written in there!!! Did I loose it as I was running ? What if someone picks it up! Wait, did it fall from my pocket in front of kiss and James? NO WAY!  What if kiss finds it!! WHAT IF JAMES FINDS IT!!! That's the worst case I can think of right now!

What do I do!! I cannot think of the embarrassment that I would have to face if either of them finds it!!

Ahh!!! Why is today such an embarrassing day!!!


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