Chapter Two

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Chapter Two : Bullies

"And this is the Sheriff's office!" Izuku says, drawing Y/n's attention to the wooden building. It's two stories tall with a lean-to on the outside.

Her eyes widen. "Oh." She hums. "Who's the sherif?"

Izuku's eyes brighten upon hearing her question. "The best man alive: Toshinori Yagi! He saved my grandpa from having his soul stolen by the Devil!"

Y/n blinks. The Devil? There's no way. She scoffs, "Haha, very funny."

He shakes his head, "No I'm serious! A long time ago when Mighty River was first founded, the Devil showed up and threatened to steal everyone's souls if they didn't leave! But Mr. Yagi fought him! He obviously lost but because the Devil respected him, everyone got to live!"


"I'm being serious! Ask Toshinori himself!" Izuku prompts, pointing at the thin man who has just exited the building.

Y/n looks him up and down. He's practically skin and bones, his clothes baggy and hanging off his shoulders. There's a shiny golden star pinned to his vest.

"You know what? Fine!" She huffs.

Y/n aggressively turns on her heel and stomps her way over to the sheriff—a supposed hero. She doesn't even let the boney man introduce himself and cuts right to the point. "Sir! Izuku says you saved people from the Devil before Mighty River was founded, but that's ridiculous! The Devil doesn't exist! Not here anyway!"

The tall man chuckles. He slowly lowers himself into the rocking chair outside of the building and props his feet up on a little stool. "That's the truth, kiddo. I promise." He says with a toothy grin.

Y/n frowns, "No it's not. That's not possible."

Izuku is a second from defending Toshinori's honor as this town's hero when someone a little bit bigger than Y/n pushes into Izuku, pushing him to the side. "Watch it you bastard." A little boy scoffs.

Y/n turns to look at the boy as if he had two heads. She is no stranger to bullies. Everywhere she goes there's always a group of bullies who think they're big and bad. She was expecting to come across bullies here, but she just didn't think that it would happen within the first twenty-four hours.

"Excuse you!" She calls out.

Izuku gasps and tugs on Y/n's hand, "No! Stop, N/n! Just leave it alone!" He whispers, his voice low and squeaky. He sounds scared.

"I won't let some scum-bag disrespect my friend like that!" She says loud enough for the boy to hear, forcing him to a stop in the middle of the street.

The little blond boy stops in his place, his two friends stopping with him. "What'd 'ya just say?" He grumbles.

"I said I won't let some low-life scum-bag disrespect my friends!" She repeats, this time with her head held up high and her posture straight. She wasn't going to back down. Not to this boy.

It's quiet for a moment. Nothing but the sound of town's people wandering about filling the air.

The little blond boy shakes with rage. His fists clench, his short nails digging into the centers of his palms, and his teeth clench. He starts crossing the distance between himself and the little girl dressed in ruffles. He's but an inch away when someone finally steps in.

"Woah there, Katsuki. Take it easy." The sheriff, Toshinori, chuckles. He pulls himself out of the rocking chair and steps down off of the platform which the building is built upon.

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