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Prologue : The Strange Englishman

The small western town of Mighty River is one named after a true hero—a man who was brave enough to go against an immortal being to save the ones he loved.

The story of Toshinori Yagi and how he fought against the Devil is short and straight to the point unlike most in the wild west, but despite this, it spares no details in how heroic the All Mighty Toshinori Yagi was.

Legend has it that on a cold night in the middle of the desert, Toshinori decided to setup camp along a wide river. He had been traveling with his new wife and some friends. They were in the midst of setting up their small camp when a man wearing a fancy English getup approached them.

The elders of Mighty River say he had a noticeable English accent, and he was attractive in an alien way. No one had ever seen such a man with features like he.

The man did not show up on horseback. He simply appeared out of nowhere, which is weird when you realize the closest settlement was three days away.

This strange man threatened the campers with oddities.

"If you are not gone by the morning sun, then I will rip your souls from your pathetic bodies. You will spend an eternity in Hell burning for your crimes."

Souls? Hell? Crimes? What on Earth was he going on about?

"Sir are you sick?" One of the campers would ask, only to be laughed at by the attractive Englishman.

"No, young one. I am not sick. I am the Devil—Lucifer! I am the man your silly little Bible tells you to fear. I am the man God tells you is responsible for your deepest darkest desires. I am the Devil and you will obey me."

No one truly believed him. Sure he was a little odd and yeah he was a little too good looking, but that did not make him God's fallen angel.

The legend goes on to say that after a show of his power (this man torched one of their wagons and barbecued two of their horses with a single look) and another threat directed to the group, Toshinori offered a deal.

"Sir, fight me and if I lose, you can kill us. But if I win, we get to stay here. You will leave us alone."

The Devil accepted Toshinori's proposal and they fought. While Toshinori fought with everything he had, this man who claimed to be the Devil didn't even break a sweat. Toshinori had bruises and bloodied skin, but this strange man had nothing. Toshinori was sure he got him at least once, and to everyone's surprise, he did.

The elders who were there say his top lip had been busted. It just took a moment for it to show.

The story goes on to say that this Devil was so surprised by Toshinori's strength and confidence that he decided to let them stay and build their settlement. They could build their little town and they could start their families, but they would have to do so knowing that in fifty years, they would pay their debt.

To build on stollen land was a crime in Lucifer's books and they would pay for it.

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