Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven : He's a rough lover

Three o'clock rolls around way too fast for Y/n's liking. As soon as the town bell rings three times, her students are yelling and out of the room faster than what she thought was possible. One second the kids are listening intensely and the next they're bolting out the door. All it took was for the bell to strike three times.

Y/n blinks and slowly turns to face her now empty classroom, her heels clicking against the wooden floor. Her classroom looks untouched as of no one was even here in the first place. Which is strange considering a whole bunch of kids just spent the entire day in here.

The young teacher sets her stick of chalk down on the tray beneath the white board and begins walking around the room to make sure no one left anything behind. She's walking down the second isle when she hears the floorboard outside the door creek.

Y/n looks over her shoulder expecting to see a student who had forgotten something, but she's only met with disappointment. Katsuki's standing on the porch with a cocky smile and a bouquet of wild flowers.

"Good afternoon, Darlin'." He greets with a low chuckle, "You ready to head home yet?"

Y/n scowls at the man. Is this how my days at work will be now? I'll be walked to-and-from by this big oaf? I'd rather die. She rolls her eyes, "Go home Bakugou." She says with a sigh.

She continues her trek down the isles, occasionally picking up pencils and books off of the floor. Katsuki steps through the threshold with a grunt and wanders over to her desk, where he sets down the bouquet of flowers and starts to walk down the isles as well.

"Not a chance, Sweet-cheeks." He huffs, bending down to pick up a half-eaten apple.

Y/n stops in her spot to stare at Katsuki, a deep scowl etched into her face. She watches him continue down the isles, picking up random trinkets and holding them in his arms. "Why are you doing this Bakugou? Really, be honest with me. What do you want?"

The blond stops and turns to face her. He makes no move to get any closer to her and lets her keep her distance. There's no way he'll win her over if he ignores her boundaries and he knows this. He isn't stupid.

"I told 'ya this mornin' didn't I?" He asks himself really, not expecting an answer from the teacher. "I want to be with you, Y/n. I know I haven't always been the nicest to you," she gives him a look, "But while I was away I did some thinkin'. I'll be better for you, Darlin'. I won't bully that worthless—I mean, I won't bully Izuku anymore. He doesn't deserve it. If you let me walk you home, I'll apologize to the dork I swear. Darlin', if you let me, I'll be the best man I can. Just please... give me a chance."

Y/n is at a loss for words. I don't know what to say... She thinks. What do I say?

She isn't all too familiar with Katsuki's "nice" side. She just knows him as an asshole with a capital "A."Because of his shity personality, she hasn't ever really thought about him a romantic way. Sure he's hot—he is so much more than just "hot," but she doesn't have another word to describe how fine he is—but he's a shit human being. Y/n has never thought about loving him, let alone marrying him and giving him children. But now that the opportunity has risen, she can't help but think about all of those things.

What would it be like to love Katsuki Bakugou? She wonders. Would he be mean or would he love me with every cell in his body? What would it be like? Slowly, her mind descends down the wrong lane. She finds herself thinking about the dirty aspects of a relationship—the sexual aspects, to be specific. Would he be a rough lover or— She stops herself. He is a rough lover, hands down. No if's, and's, or but's about it.

Y/n blinks. I am not going down that lane. Not today. She looks to Katsuki, only to see that he's back to work. "Can I... Can I think about it?" She asks.

There's no way she could make such a decision right there. She has to have time to think about it.

"Of course Sweet-cheeks. Just let me know when 'ya come to a conclusion, alright?"

She nods, "Thank you..."

He smiles, but he doesn't say anything more. Together they clean up the school house and when they're done, it's nearly four.

"Alright let's get 'ya home." Katsuki huffs, holding out her coat.

Believe it or not, but it gets pretty chilly at night in Mighty River.

Y/n picks up the pretty bouquet Katsuki left on her desk and slowly gets closer to Katsuki. He's patient, letting her take the time she needs. In a way, this interaction is... it's like a metaphor! She's taking the first few steps towards a new part of her life, one that may include Katsuki in a different way. He won't just be Izuku's bully anymore. He may be her lover and that's scary, so he lets her take her time. Eventually—after what feels like literally forever—she turns her back to him and slips her arms into the armholes of her jacket. Katsuki pats it down to make sure she's all snug before quietly offering an arm.

Y/n looks at his arm, debating if whether or not she should accept it. Part of her just says it's an arm—a kind gesture. There's nothing more to it. However another part, a part of Y/n that she has become too familiar with over the last two years, says that it's more than that.

In a way she's already given him an answer. She didn't tell him to get out and never bother her again after their little heart-to-heart. She let him stay and help her out. Now, she's letting him walk her home.

God what am I doing? She asks herself as she places her shaky hand on Katsuki's tricep.

Katsuki heaves a shaky breath then clears his throat. "You ready?"

She hums with a small nod. "Yeah..."

Katsuki pats her small hand with his own then starts to walk, leading her out of the school house and into town.

Just one foot in front of the other. She tells herself. If only it were that easy.

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