Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight : The pie

"Uhm..." Y/n pauses as she steps up onto the first step, "Thanks for the uh—walk home. And the flowers..." She breathes out with a small pursed smile.

Katsuki nods, "Of course, Sweet-cheeks."

It's quiet, the only sound being that of Y/n's deep breathing and the crickets as they play their little violins. They can hear cows mooing in the distance, and people yelling down in the square.

Y/n squeezes her eyes shut and with a singular deep breath, asks a question she should've kept to herself.

"Would you... Would you like to come in for some pie? I made fresh blueberry pie earlier this morning and if Izuku didn't eat it all then there should be some left..." She rambles, her words slowing to a stop when she remembers that Izuku is inside.

She turns to look over her shoulder, expecting to see Izuku waiting for her behind the front door, but he's nowhere to be found. She can't even hear anyone wandering around inside. No dishes being done, no one playing the piano, no nothing.

"I don't wanna impose. It's gettin' late anyhow, so I should probably get home. But uh... Thanks for the offer. Maybe some other time?" Katsuki hums offering a toothy grin.

Y/n nods, "Yeah! Sure, of course! I just thought that you know, as a thanks for a walking me to work earlier... And walking me back! Everyone likes pie..."

Katsuki chuckles, "I'm sure yer pie is delicious. How 'bout I take some home with me. I'm sure my parents would love some."

"Sure! I'll give you whatever's left and I'll just make another one." Y/n says, not really thinking about what she's saying. She climbs the rest of the porch steps and pulls open both of the doors, holding them open for the blond behind her.

Without saying a word, Katsuki begins removing her coat. It startles her but she just lets it happen. Arguing with Katsuki over the years has led to nothing. He hangs it up on the hook behind the door then pulls off his own jacket. His hat joins it.

"This way." Y/n mutters, walking straight down the hall to the kitchen.

Katsuki quietly admires the home, finally curing the age long curiosity that has plagued his mind since he was twelve years old. After the house was finally finished two years after the L/n's moved to Mighty River, Katsuki spent a lot of time thinking about what it looked like on the inside.

On the outside, it looked like a fancy house for rich people, something Katsuki could only ever dream of seeing in person. It's two stories tall and longer than it is wide. Its a bright blue color—like robin eggs—with white accents. There are three chimneys; one of them being big and made out of brick whereas the other two are just pipes sticking out of the roof. It's quite impressive, more impressive than any of the other homes in Mighty River. Surrounding the porch are pretty flowers and berry bushes that Y/n has been caring for since the war. Parallel to the main steps are two trees marking the entrance to the property. To the right of the entrance is the barn and to the left is a small workshop. There's a gravel path that leads from the porch steps to the backyard and both of the out-buildings.

Meanwhile on the inside, it looks like a home. A real home, not some barely-lived-in elitist's home. As soon as you enter the house, you have to archways that lead to two separate rooms. To the right of the door and behind the first archway is the staircase, which leads upstairs. The room to the right is the parlor whereas the one on the left is a study. Straight down the hallway is the kitchen and dining room.

There are pretty paintings hanging on the walls alongside portraits of the family. There are plants, knitted decor, and random antiques everywhere. It's very lived in.

Katsuki follows Y/n to the kitchen and stops in the doorway. He doesn't want to be too in the way. While the kitchen is big, Katsuki's too big and he would take up too much room. So he waits patiently.

Y/n is beyond nervous. No man has ever really been in the house besides her father and Izuku. Never in a million years would she think that Katsuki would ever step foot inside. But the fact that he's watching her makes her ten times more nervous than she already was.

She reaches into a nearby drawer and pulls out a kitchen towel to cover the pie pan with. "Here 'ya go!" She breaths out, turning around with the pie. "Izuku only had a few slices so there's enough for each of you to have at least two slices."

Katsuki takes the pan with a grateful smile. "Thanks Darlin'. I can't wait to try it."

It's quiet again, but not for long. The creaking of a door opening grab both of their attentions. They turn to look down the hall in sync.

"Kacchan...?" Izuku yawns. He covers his mouth with a hand to muffle his monstrous yawn. "The fuck are you doin' here...?" He trails off when he notices the pie in his hands. "Y/n? Why does he have the pie?"

"Evenin' Midoriya."

Izuku nearly has a heart attack. His lungs stop taking in oxygen and it feels like his heart stops. Why didn't he call me Deku? Are pigs flying? He turns to look out the windows behind Y/n and Katsuki. No... Did Hell freeze over? What's going on?

"I'd just like to apologize for bullyin' you when we were kids, Midoriya. You didn't deserve any of that. I understand if 'ya don't accept my apology and thas' okay. I'd just like 'ya to know that I'm sorry." Katsuki says.

A look of pure mortification crosses Izuku's features. There's no fuckin' way. Izuku refuses to believe that he's actually sorry. It's just not possible!

"I think I'm dreaming." Izuku mutters, stumbling back down the hallway.

"I'm afraid not." Katsuki snickers, "I'm as serious as god damn heart attack. I'm sorry."

It tastes weird on Katsuki's tongue—the word "sorry" that is. He's no stranger to apologizing, but to apologize to the kid he's been bullying since he was a child is something foreign. However strange the word may be, he would say it again and again if that meant Y/n would finally give him a chance.

"I'm gonna be sick." Izuku gags, turning away from him.

"Izuku...? Are you okay?" Y/n finally speaks.

He nods, "Yeah just... Just give me a minute."

When Izuku falls silent, Y/n turns around to look out the window. The sun is starting to set which means she's late making dinner. With that in mind, she takes a few small steps until she's beside Katsuki and places her small hand on his shoulder this time. "Hey uhm... Katsuki, I think it's time for you to go. I have to start on supper." She whispers.

The blond nods, "Yer right. Thanks for the pie, Darlin'. Have a good evening you two."

Izuku and Y/n watch him dress himself back up then step through the front door. Izuku doesn't say a word until he sees Katsuki walking down the driveway.

"Why the fuck did Kachan have the pie?"

Y/n starts to fiddle with her fingers as she tries to find proper words. There are words on the tip of her tongue, but she isn't too sure if Izuku would take to them very well. I'll tell him at some point. She thinks as she opens her mouth, ready to explain why the blueberry pie is no longer in their possession.

"Katsuki wants to marry me."

God damn it! She mentally face palms. You had one job. One!

"Excuse me?" Izuku gasps, his head snapping to look at her. His eyes are blown and his jaw is practically on the floor.

"Katsuki... He wants to... he wants to marry me." Y/n stutters, her chest puffing out as she inhales a deep breath.

Y/n can see Izuku's eyes get glossy and she can't help but feel guilty. She knows, deep down, that Izuku loves her in more than a platonic way. She isn't that dumb.

Maybe that's why she was having a hard time registering Katsuki's proposal. Maybe it was because she knew that by marrying her best friend's childhood bully, she would literally break the poor guy.

"You can't be fucking serious!"

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