Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen : Corsets and Petticoats

Monday rolls around faster than either Y/n or Izuku would've appreciated.

When Y/n opened her eyes on Monday morning, she felt as if the weekend was pulled right out from underneath her feet. The only indication that she did in fact have a weekend, was the memories of her first weekend with Izuku in two years.

She laid there in bed for a few minutes, reliving this past weekend through her memories.

After shopping on Saturday, Y/n and Izuku worked together to repair one of the pastures. They fixed the holes in the fence line and repaired the gate, and when they were done, the horses were turned out for the first time in years. The couple watched the three horses explore and graze for hours until Y/n had to go start dinner.

Their Saturday night ended out on the back porch, where they shared some drinks (Y/n had a glass of wine and Izuku had a glass of whiskey) and caught up with one another. A lot changed in two years, so for the first time since Izuku got back, they sat down and talked about everything that happened over the span of two years.

Then, on Sunday, they worked outside again. They did some work in the garden, and then after lunch they sat and cleaned the horse's tack. That took a while, but it was enjoyable work. Again, that night ended out on the back porch downing alcoholic beverages left and right.

It's Monday—as mentioned earlier—and Y/n has woken up with a bad hangover. I guess I drank too much last night. She finds herself thinking as she slowly pulls herself up into the sitting position with a groan and raises a hand to scratch at her head.

It takes her a moment to fully wake up, but once she's awake in ever sense of the word, she scoots to the edge of her bed and stretches—which earns a series of satisfying pops from her stiff joints. A low breath escapes her lips when she settles back into place.

She rapidly blinks her eyes to wake herself up, and when she deems herself awake, Y/n gets up on her feet and walks on over to her wardrobe. She didn't lay out an outfit for herself last night, so she now has to dig through her wardrobe and try her best to find something to wear within the next ten minutes.

She has to be at the schoolhouse at least half an hour before the school day starts to make sure she has everything she needs for today. So she has to be quick!

With that in mind, Y/n picks out a skirt and a nice top in little-to-no-time at all! Today, she opted out for any patterns and picked out a long light blue skirt. For a top, she chose a long sleeved button-up, and just in case it gets cold, an old shawl.

She doesn't spend very much time on her hair or makeup this morning (she grabbed a ribbon and tied her hair up in a bun of some kind, and she didn't even look at her makeup), so she can just run downstairs as soon as she's dressed. When she steps down off of the last stair, she can hear someone moving around in the kitchen.

A small glance down the hall tells her that it's Izuku.

With a big toothy grin, Y/n turns on her heel and practically skips into the kitchen. Unlike the last few mornings, she greets Izuku with a back hug.

"Good morning," she mutters, tightening her hold on his waist, "How're you today?"

Before he can say anything, she pulls away and spins around to pour herself a cup of orange juice.

Izuku glances at her through his eyelashes, a smile on his face. "G'morning." He sighs, "I'm alright. How're you, N/n?"

Y/n turns her back to the counter and leans back against it. She's completely focused on Izuku and how he scrambles the eggs in the iron pan. "I'm fine. My head's killing me though." She shrugs, taking a sip of her juice.

Izuku hums as a response.

It's quiet between them until Izuku serves up a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon, which Y/n happily says "thank you" for before taking a seat at the dining table. She waits for her best friend to join her before she digs in and together, they eat in silence, enjoying the taste of the food and each other's presence.

"What do you plan on doing while I'm gone today?" Y/n asks from the bench by the front door as she pulls on her dusty black boots.

Izuku shrugs against the parlor's doorframe. "I'm not too sure." He says honestly, "I might see if anything around here needs fixed, and if not, I'll work outside with the horses."

Y/n frowns at his response. She would give anything to work outside with the horses instead of working inside with the children. Don't get her wrong, she loved being a teacher; providing the children of Mighty River a good education was one of the most important things. However, some days they made her want to pull out her hair. Many of those days were Mondays.

"That's nice." Y/n responds after a moment. She tightens the laces on her boots one last time then stands up, dusting off her skirt. "Well, I hope you have fun!"

Izuku takes a moment to take in the beauty before him. He tilts his head and narrows his eyes just a little. In his eyes, Y/n is the prettiest woman he's ever had the honor of looking at. She was pretty before he went off to war, but two years away from each other somehow made her even prettier.

Gone is the young woman who wore corsets and petticoats with curled hair and vibrant makeup from up north. Two years of hard work on her own changed her, but they didn't change her in a bad way. She rarely wears makeup nowadays, and she has given up curling her hair like she used to. Izuku is sure she doesn't own anymore petticoats, but perhaps a corset or two. Her overall appearance has changed just as much as her personality.

Izuku loved Y/n before he left. He loved the frills and he loved her curled hair. He loved her soft exterior and her trusting instincts. And his love for her only grew with their time apart, and somehow, he fell for her even harder.

He inhales a shaky breath and stands up to his full height. "Well you better get. I don't want you to be late." He states.

Y/n nods with a hum. "Alright."

It's quiet for a moment. Neither of them have anything more to say, but they both feel as though they should say something.

It's Izuku who makes a move, and it's one Y/n appreciates. He opens his arms with a wide smile and whispers a "come 'er". That's all it takes for Y/n to cross the distance between them.

She throws her arms around his waist and holds him tight as his arms fall around her shoulders. They stand there for a moment, simply basking in each other's warmth. Y/n breaths him in with a shaky breath, her hands fisting the material of his flannel. The man himself leans down to press a kiss on the crown of her head, which makes her preen at the attention.

They would've stayed like that for an eternity if it weren't for the rough knock on the door. Izuku stiffens and Y/n slouches. With a pout, she reluctantly pulls herself off of her best friend and turns on her heel.

Y/n slowly pulls open the door to reveal Bakugou, who's standing there with a bouquet of wild flowers and a dazzling smile. Before taking his rough hand, she turns and gives Izuku a wide smile.

"I'll see you later, Izu." She whispers.

Izuku watches Bakugou walk her down the driveway with a heavy scowl, his hatred for the man only growing stronger. When they disappear around a corner, Izuku finally shuts the door to go do what he has to do.

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