Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It wasn’t decided how long you and Elizabeth would be staying, but Ciel was happy to have you both, more so you than Lizzy. You were sitting in the gardens reading your book and chatting to Finny and helping him out here and there. The gardens were quiet and peaceful this afternoon. A nice warm breeze was blowing and you could see the orange sunset. The scent of the flowers wafted through the air with the breeze as the leaves of the trees and bushes blew gently. Flower petals and leaves fell from the trees and fell gently to the ground. Finny was trimming the hedges and chatting with you with a small smile on his face. His sun hat hanging around his neck.

“Finny, your work here is done. You may take a break and retire for the evening.” Sebastian approached with his stoic face as usual.

“Really? Thanks Mr. Sebastian! See you later Lady ____!” Finny ran over, gave you a quick hug careful not to hurt you, and dashed off into the gardens.

Sebastian sighed while you giggled. Finny was a nice friend to have. Always genuinely happy and friendly, he truly was a rare person.

Sebastian pulled out a black rose and handed it to you with a small smile on his face.  The black rose was the most perfect rose you had ever seen. You were surprised at how Sebastian came across such a thing, black roses are very rare and they weren’t grown in the Phantomhive Manor’s garden. Surely you would have noticed. The thorns of the stem were cut off with care so you wouldn’t hurt yourself. ‘Sebastian is very thoughtful’ you thought as your face erupted into a blush. You quietly thanked Sebastian for the small gift. Sebastian chuckled at your blush. Humans were so easy and predictable, but there was something special about you, he just couldn’t figure it out yet.

“Come now Lady ____, it is time for dinner,” Sebastian smiled and hooked his arm through yours and led you to the dining hall. You gripped the rose tightly and walked with him.

Sebastian pulled out your chair and you sat down, waiting patiently for the food to be brought out. He left the room and headed to the kitchen. Ciel and Lizzy were already seated. Ciel at the head of the table and Lizzy closely sitting at his left. You just sat in a random spot to the right of the table. You could feel Ciel’s cold gaze on you and turned to look at him. He stared at you for a moment before he spoke.

“Where ever did you get that rose ____? I don’t recall Finny growing any of those in the garden” Ciel stared at you waiting for an answer. He knew a certain butler had something to do with it, but he didn’t understand why Sebastian had taken time out of his busy schedule to try and please you. It was annoying Ciel a bit and he didn’t know why. Every time Sebastian spoke to you, he felt jealousy burn in the pit of his stomach. He refused to admit that he was jealous; he was engaged to Lady Elizabeth after all. But why couldn’t he stop thinking about you?

“ Oh! Sebastian gave it to me! Isn’t it lovely!” You said, looking down at the rose again, a beautiful smile graced your features at the memory of Sebastian giving it to you.

Elizabeth giggled cutely and ‘Awwed’ quietly.  She liked the idea of you and Sebastian together. She thought it would be cute, then both of you would have someone. Her eyes shone, and she smiled brightly at the idea, she might think about helping Sebastian win you over. Ciel scoffed and looked away. You were confused as to why he was acting like this, but you couldn’t help but feel a tiny spark of hope. Ciel clearly wasn’t happy that Sebastian was paying so much attention to you.

There was silence in the dining hall until Sebastian returned with the food. You all ate quietly until you shot up out of your chair. Everyone turned to you surprised.

“The cats! I need to go and help them! They must be starving by now!” You panicked, those cats were your life and you loved them.

Sebastian walked over and gently sat you back in your chair. “Lady ____ it’s far too late to go out on the streets now, how about we go into town tomorrow? I can help you tend to the cats.”

“Ok, thank you Sebastian, I just hope they’re ok” You said with a sigh. It was silent for a moment until Ciel broke it.

“I want to come!”

Everyone stared at Ciel, surprised at his sudden childish outburst. He cleared his throat and his sudden childish demeanour vanished, replaced by his usual stoic cold one.

“What I mean is, I have never seen these cats that are so special to Lady ____, I would love to come and see them. I will be going along with the two of you”

Sebastian smirked at his master. Ciel stared back with a scowl, glaring with his one deep ocean blue eye. He wasn’t going to lose to his butler. His demon butler. You and Lizzy were looking between the two, having no idea what is happening. Or what’s about to happen.


‘Two can play at this game Sebastian.’

‘So the games begin young master.’

 ( Author’s Note: I do not own Black Butler, the characters, the pictures or you. All pictures and characters belong to their rightful owners and you belong to you. Unless a hot demon butler is after your soul ;) )

So The Games Begin  [Ciel x Reader x Sebastian]Where stories live. Discover now