Chapter 10

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You were running through the halls, tears streaming down your face. You weren’t sure where you were going, but you had to get away from Ciel and find Sebastian.

His words echoed in your head over and over. Bouncing around in your skull. ‘I don’t love you.’

You couldn’t believe he said that to you. Straight after confessing that he loved you. You know you didn’t say it back, but you never said you didn’t love him. Why would he say that? Did he change his mind or was he just jealous?

 Your train of thoughts came to an abrupt halt as you collided with a hard chest. Strong arms wrapped around you in a protective manner, stopping you from falling to the ground. Your (e/c) eyes looked up, locking with beautiful glowing red ones belonging to Sebastian, the man you were told to go to.

You sniffled and quickly tried to wipe your tears away but it was too late, Sebastian already saw. He tightened his arms around you as his gaze turned harsh.

“Who did this to you?” He growled. His possessive, demonic side showing. He looked past you in the direction of Ciel’s study, eyes glowing pink. You gasped and he quickly calmed down turning to face you, eyes back to their usual colour.

“What happened Lady ____, did my young master cause this?” He asked, pulling you into him and hugging you tightly.  You buried your face into his chest and hugged him back.

“Ciel told me he loved me, I didn’t respond, I was confused then he yelled at me telling me he didn’t love me, and I’m so confused! I don’t know what to do! There’s Ciel, you, and what about Lizzy! I-” You sobbed into his chest, voice slightly muffled. He cut you off with a growl. You flinched in his arms and he calmed down. He stroked your hair.

“Shh, let me take you to your room my dear ____” He whispered in your ear before picking you up bridal style. You wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face into his shoulder and felt him carry you down the hall.

He laid you down gently on your bed, before gently sitting down beside you. He softly stroked your hair while staring down into your eyes. You stared back into his red eyes, suddenly remembering how they glowed pink. You grabbed his hand that was stroking your hair and held it.

“Sebastian, what are you?” You whispered.

He suddenly tensed and looked away. It was silent for a moment. He was debating whether or not he should tell you. He knew he had strong feelings for you. He never felt this way for a human before. He never felt this way about anything before. It confused him greatly. He could feel minor emotions, but very, very minor. To the point where he could hardly feel them at all. That was how it worked for demons. But with you, he felt that special emotion. What was it called? Love. He had never felt this way before and knowing that, he knew he could tell you his secret. Hoping you wouldn’t run away from him.

He sighed and hesitantly turned to look at you. You sat up and stared at him curiously. He took both of your hands in his and stared into your eyes intently, you returning the intense stare. He told you all about what he was, what he did and his contract with Ciel. You weren’t surprised to say the least. Sebastian was impossibly good at everything and this seemed like something which Ciel would do, he would go to great lengths for his revenge.

You never broke the intense stare, your gaze never faltered.  You never looked away or flinched, you just stared back until he was done talking. He gazed at you curiously, waiting for you to say something.

“Well I can’t say I’m surprised, you’re unbelievably good at everything and Ciel seems like the type to make a deal with a demon. I’m just glad that demon is you.” You say with a smile.

To say that Sebastian was shocked would be an understatement. Of course he didn’t show it, he kept himself stoic and composed. He couldn’t believe how lightly you were taking this. This only made his interest in you grow. You were truly a strange human being. Strange, but beautiful.

“You’re taking this quite lightly my dear.” Sebastian purred with a smirk. You smirked back at him and watched as his beautiful blood red eyes turned to that bright glowing pink.

He leaned forward and captured your lips in a soft, sweet kiss. Suddenly Ciel’s voice echoed in your mind once again. ‘I don’t love you.’  Hearing that only fuelled you, it didn’t make you hesitate. You kissed back and wrapped your arms tightly around his neck, his arms wrapping protectively around your waist. You both slowly broke apart and gazed into each other’s eyes. Sebastian smiled at you and kissed you on the cheek.

“I have some business to attend to with the young master, please get some rest my lady.” He whispered and pulled a black rose out of thin air. He handed you the rose and you gasped in delight.

“How did you do that?” You asked excitedly.

“I’m simply one hell of a butler” Sebastian chuckled.

“Oh, now I get it.” You laughed along with him. He smiled at you and got up, getting your night clothes and a towel and placing them on your bed.

“Now I really do have some business to attend to, I will call Mey-Rin to come and run you a bath, farewell my lady.” Sebastian said, softly pecking you on the lips before exiting the room.

You sighed dreamily before falling backward onto your bed, clutching the rose closely too your chest. Thoughts drifting towards Sebastian and how dreamy he was, he was just like a prince, your knight in shining armour. Wait a minute! Ciel just told you he loved you! But he also told you he didn’t love you straight after and to go to Sebastian. You couldn’t have Ciel and you knew it, Lizzy already claimed him, and besides he already told you he didn’t love you. He told you to go to Sebastian and you did. But you couldn’t help that little nagging feeling at your heart telling you to run to Ciel and apologize, telling him you love him. You couldn’t help those feelings for Sebastian either. They were just as strong as the ones you had for Ciel. You cared for both of them a great deal. But Sebastian was a demon and Ciel was engaged to your best friend. You took the whole Sebastian being a demon thing lightly, but deep down it sort of bothered you. It complicated the whole matter even more. If you were to have a relationship with him what would happen? He is a demon after all. You may have feelings for both of them, but you knew you could only have one and there were many obstacles standing in the way for both of them.

“Oh what a mess...” You grumbled sadly to yourself.

Sebastian only thought of one thing when walking down the halls towards Ciel’s study. Your tear stained face. You were very strong for a human being, and Ciel being able to break you that easily made Sebastian worried and furious. Worried because he knew you cared about him a lot, but the fact that you have strong feelings for Ciel could over power your feelings for him. He could lose you to his master, and he didn’t like the thought of that. Not one bit. Furious because Ciel hurt you. Furious because Ciel told you he loved you. Furious because Ciel broke your heart. He was furious because there was a strong chance of you falling for Ciel instead of him. He wouldn’t let Ciel win. He couldn’t let Ciel win. You were his and he sure as hell wouldn’t let you get taken away from him that easily.

Sebastian’s stoic, emotionless composure vanished as soon as he reached his young master’s study.

You’re going to pay you little brat.’

So The Games Begin  [Ciel x Reader x Sebastian]Where stories live. Discover now