Chapter 18

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Author's Note: First off guys, I'd like to say I am so extremely sorry for not updating in so long. I've been so busy with homework, my boyfriend, a new laptop (so I've lost all my previous chapters) and I've had little time to myself. It is currently 2am and I have written this chapter. There will be two more. One for Ciel and one for Sebastian so everyone gets their choice. But reading over this story I don't like it that much and I am so out of practice with writing so I'm really sorry if this chapter sucks. I'm sure it does. Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes. Once this story is finished I will go over it and edit it. Once again I am really sorry, and a MASSIVE thank you to those of you who have been patient. I love you guys, and I would just like to know how this chapter is, if it was good or not, and if it's worth writing the two endings. Okay guys! Sorry for the long wait and I really hope you enjoy this chapter! <3

- Maddy Massacre

Lizzy had left the manor bidding Ciel a sad goodbye, and leaving him to tell ____  to visit soon and tell her all the details. Even though Lizzy was sad, she was not set on not letting this get in the way of their friendship. It was simply not to be, she liked to think, and she valued ____  too much as a friend just for it all to go to waste now.
Once all was said and done and Lady Elizabeth was well on her way home, Ciel let out a soft sigh and stood in silence for a moment.
What do I do now?’
Ciel knew you had feelings for him, but he knew you also harboured feelings for his butler. He hadn’t the slightest clue of who you would choose, but he knew this little game had to come to an end sometime, and there could only be one winner.
The young Phantomhive or his butler.
He was hoping it wasn’t the latter. He never imagined himself in this predicament. Fighting for a woman’s affections, against his own butler no less. He always imagined himself dying young, and if by some miracle he were to grow old, he was sure it would either be alone or with Elizabeth. Then you came out of nowhere and waltzed into his life. Now he couldn’t imagine it without you.
With a sigh and a heavy heart Ciel made his way out into the gardens to find you and his butler.
The ocean-eyed boy found you sitting quietly on a bench flanking the fountain with his butler. You were twirling an ordinary red rose around your fingers, smiling softly, the butler returning it.
Ciel stalked towards the two of you, feeling slightly jealous that he wasn’t on the receiving end of that smile. Your smile was one of his favourite things about you. You could smile in almost any situation and he envied you for that. He found it hard to smile, but around you it came with ease. You brought out a side of him that he thought he had lost, never to be found again. Upon this realisation he discovered just how much he needed you. He had to win this game. He had to win you, your heart.
Once he was close enough to the pair, Ciel cleared his throat and sent a sharp look Sebastian’s way. Sebastian smirked, sensing his master’s jealousy, and stood up to face him.
You gently placed the rose down on the bench and followed suit. Glancing back at it, at anything to distract you from the two handsome males who you knew were looking right at you.  You didn’t want to face them. You didn’t want to choose. But you knew you had to. You couldn’t go on like this forever and this petty game was getting ridiculous. As flattering as it was, you didn’t like this game. This competition. Whatever this was. You had become so attached to both of them and knowing that you were going to hurt or possibly lose one of them hurt. A lot.
You took a deep breath and raised your head, first meeting with a single blue eye.
Ciel definitely wasn’t very good at expressing his emotions and it often frustrated him when it came to you. But you knew he cared about you so much. You could see it in his eye. Even though the other one was covered, and you knew it held the seal Sebastian placed on him, you were positive his pent up emotions would be visible in that eye too. Admittedly you had first been attracted to Ciel, but Sebastian has weaselled his way into your heart as well and now you didn’t know who took up most of it. Ciel knew himself that he had to have you. He needed you. He didn’t want to be alone anymore; he wanted to be with you. Ciel was staring at you desperately, pleading with his one visible eye. His face showed little emotion, but there was a hint of worry across it. He was staring into your eyes with such passion that it made you just want to run straight into his arms right then and there. But you couldn’t, not right now. His face may have shown little emotion, but his eyes revealed all whether he wanted them to or not. He was masking his emotions right now, and you were afraid that if you stared at that mask any longer that it would shatter.
You averted your gaze and met with a mischievous blood red pair. Though right now they didn’t hold the mischievous glint they usually did.
Sebastian’s face was void of its usual smirk. He was staring at you with a look full of concern and slight worry. The demon butler hated showing any sign of weakness, but right now he knew his master’s attention wouldn’t be on him, and he really didn’t care if it was. Just by looking into his eyes you saw how important you were to him, he’d be willing to fight for you til the end. It surprised him that he developed feelings for you, since he didn’t even know he could feel. At the beginning those feeling were kind of confusing for the cat-loving demon, but the more attached he became to you, the more he begun to understand the importance of love and why humans would risk becoming broken just for a taste of it. Your love felt better than any soul he ever tasted, he craved your love. More than he craved the young master’s soul. Sebastian stared into your eyes, throwing all caution to the wind he fed all his emotions to you through his eyes. His love for you being the most dominant emotion of all.
You felt a lump form in your dry throat and looked away from Sebastian, taking a quick glance at Ciel then back and forth between the two. You didn’t know where to look.
Ciel broke the deathly silence by clearing his throat, drawing the attention to him. Looking from you to Sebastian and back, he began to speak in a monotone. You knew he was just doing this to hide his true feelings. In all honesty he was afraid his voice would crack right then and there.

“This game has been going on for long enough. I can see we have all grown quite weary of it and this silly competition must be put to an end.”

Sebastian turned to you with a soft look in his demonic eyes and finished what his master was trying to say.

“My dear ____, I’m afraid you’re going to have to choose” Sebastian spoke smoothly, going to stand beside his young master.
Fresh tears sprung to your eyes as you faced the two men. Each held a piece of your heart.
Who do I choose?’

Author's Note: Can you guys please let me know if this chapter was any good? I know my writing must suck now and I just want to know if it's worth writing the two endings. Thank you guys so much for putting up with me and sorry for the long wait once again! <3

-Maddy Massacre <3

So The Games Begin  [Ciel x Reader x Sebastian]Where stories live. Discover now