Chapter 11

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Sebastian barged through the doors of Ciel’s study. Ciel jumped, slightly frightened at the sudden entrance of his butler. The young Earl opened his mouth to scold him but was abruptly cut off by a harsh shove to the wall, knocking the breath out of him. Sebastian pinned him to the wall by his neck and stared at him harshly, growling lowly, eyes glowing pink.

“Sebastian what on earth are you doing?! I order you to get off me!”  Ciel shouted.

Sebastian reluctantly let go of the boy and took a few steps back, remembering that they had a contract. Sebastian and Ciel stared at each other in a heated glare. Silence filled the room, each waiting for the other to speak. Sebastian had calmed himself down, though on the inside he was still seething with anger. Ciel on the other hand was not very pleased at the unexpected attack and was fuming with rage.  It was silent for a moment longer before Sebastian cleared his throat and decided to speak up.

“I see you have Lady ____ quite upset young master; she was crying a fair bit. I do not like seeing her cry.” Sebastian spoke softly yet menacingly, glaring angrily at his young master. Ciel would be able to sense his demonic butler’s angry aura from a mile away, but he was too distracted with the thought of making you cry. He knew you were a tough girl, too stubborn for your own good but that’s just one of the things he loved about you. A sudden pang of sadness and guilt hit his heart. Did he really hurt you that badly? Enough to make you cry?

He grimaced at the thought and stared down at the ground, ashamed of himself. His lies came out in his fit of rage and he didn’t mean to direct such harsh words towards you. He suddenly remembered what Sebastian just said and that made him raise his head, a small smirk gracing his features. This only made Sebastian’s glare sharpen.

“You don’t like seeing her cry? Oh please, don’t tell me you have fallen in love with her? A demon falling in love with a human? How pathetic!” Ciel spat. He knew Sebastian was never going to admit it, he smiled in victory but what Sebastian said next surprised him.

“Yes I do believe I have fallen in love with Lady ____” Sebastian spoke in a serious tone. Gaze set hard on Ciel.

 Ciel switched his gaze from Sebastian to the beautiful garden out the window. His smug smile faltered and then fell altogether. His heart dropped into his stomach as he fell into a pit of despair. Sebastian was in love with you. He was in love with you. He upset you. He made you cry. He gave Sebastian the upper hand. However was he going to beat a demon?

Sebastian’s deep, demonic chuckle snapped him out of his mental battle. He turned to face Sebastian who had a devious smirk on his face. Seeing that smirk made the young Earl uneasy, especially when it was directed at him, but he remained emotionless and composed on the outside. That only made the raven haired butler’s smirk widen.

“I told her what I was and all about our little contract. She didn’t seem the least bit fazed by it and seems to treat me exactly the same as how she did before she found out.” Sebastian explained with a smug smirk.

Ciel’s deep blue eye widened in shock. He couldn’t believe Sebastian told you all that so easily. You really did have power over him. Sebastian truly did care about you. But that left Ciel wondering where he stood in all of this. He found himself questioning how much you cared about him. If you even did at all. What kind of pawn was he in this game? He certainly didn’t feel like the king anymore. Ciel scoffed and glared at Sebastian once more.

“So she knows now. So what? You still think you have a chance? You’re a demon. You’re my lowly servant. You’re just a butler. You have no chance. And besides, wouldn’t it be forbidden for a demon to love a mortal?”

This only made Sebastian’s smirk widen. “There is no such rule. Demons tend to do as they please, as long as they stick to the terms of the contract. And besides, you are engaged aren’t you? To Lady ____’s dear friend Lady Elizabeth. That leaves you in quite the predicament wouldn’t you say?”

Ciel growled in frustration, turning away from Sebastian and slamming his hands on his desk before hanging his head.

If he hurt Elizabeth he would hurt you. He couldn’t hurt you. Not again. He would break off the engagement in a heartbeat if you just said the word but alas, you were just too kind a soul to do that. She was your best friend, you would never hurt her. Both Ciel and Sebastian knew that.

Sebastian chuckled deeply at his master’s clear display of frustration and anguish. He was staring Ciel down with a smug smirk that radiated confidence and victory. On the inside was a different story. On the inside he was doubting himself, something that he rarely did, let alone a demon rarely ever doing. He was doubting his words. Maybe you were fazed by the fact that he was a demon, but he did appreciate that you didn’t treat him any differently. He was doubting the fact that he had you in his clutches just yet. Maybe you would choose his young master over him. Or maybe you wouldn’t choose either one of them.

A sudden thought crossed Ciel’s mind, something that Sebastian had said earlier. Ciel’s head snapped up and he violently turned his body to face Sebastian. He ripped off his eye patch and threw it off to the side, contract mark in clear view. A menacing and malicious look shone in both of his eyes. He still had one trick up his sleeve.

“She’s mine!”  Ciel growled.

Sebastian chuckled darkly, finding his master’s distress very amusing. He opened his mouth to protest, but his master’s next words cut him off. His dark glowing red eyes widened in both shock and panic.

“I order you to stay away from her!”

So The Games Begin  [Ciel x Reader x Sebastian]Where stories live. Discover now